Blog & Insights

A published author and avid storyteller with a deep interest in art, philosophy and energy – Richard shares personal stories and insights on art and creativity as tools for personal transformation, how to step into your own authenticity, self-healing and direct inspirations from nature and the world around him.

  • What is the difference between Attunement, Sitting in the Power and Meditation?

    What is the difference between Attunement, Sitting in the Power and Meditation?

    As part of personal development people will undoubtedly come across the phrases ‘attunement’, ‘sitting in the power’ and ‘meditation’. These are three energetic practices that have very different uses. Spiritual practitioners will need to be accomplished in each practice and…

    Read more: What is the difference between Attunement, Sitting in the Power and Meditation?
  • Exploring Physical Mediumship

    Exploring Physical Mediumship

    Physical mediumship can be best described as; the spirit world manipulating our world through a medium creating tangible physical evidence and proof of life after mortal death. Physical mediumship was more prevalent in the mid 19th and early 20th century.…

    Read more: Exploring Physical Mediumship
  • Exploring Mental Mediumship

    Exploring Mental Mediumship

    We are incredibly complex and have developed our senses over centuries of evolution. Our minds are wonderfully elaborate and can be trained and honed to become aware of different vibrations and energies in both our world and…

    Read more: Exploring Mental Mediumship
  • What is the difference between Physical and Mental Mediumship?

    What is the difference between Physical and Mental Mediumship?

    There are many misconceptions when it comes to mediumship. One major distinction that needs to be understood is the difference between physical and mental mediumship. Firstly, it’s important to understand that both types require the power and…

    Read more: What is the difference between Physical and Mental Mediumship?