Blog & Insights

A published author and avid storyteller with a deep interest in art, philosophy and energy – Richard shares personal stories and insights on art and creativity as tools for personal transformation, how to step into your own authenticity, self-healing and direct inspirations from nature and the world around him.

  • Is Mediumship only Telepathy?

    Is Mediumship only Telepathy?

    Telepathy is based on non-verbal or energetic communication. To start we can look at the origins of telepathy. The word itself is derived from two Greek words. “tele” (afar) and “pathy” (feeling). The dictionary definition of Telepathy…

    Read more: Is Mediumship only Telepathy?
  • Energy cannot be destroyed, it only changes form

    Energy cannot be destroyed, it only changes form

    Human energy. Its who we are, its everything we see and of course everything we don’t see but can feel. There are a few important aspects in relation to energy, its perpetual existence and how it interacts with…

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  • What is the aura?

    What is the aura?

    As living beings, we all have an aura. An energy field that extends outside of our physical body. There are a few important factors to consider when discussing the auric field. Someone who is new to mediumship will…

    Read more: What is the aura?
  • Another week at the Arthur Findlay College

    Another week at the Arthur Findlay College

    Who am I? What is the nature of the world around me? I know I am more than the image I see looking back at me in the mirror each morning, just as we all are. I know…

    Read more: Another week at the Arthur Findlay College
  • Simple Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Your Daily Routine

    Simple Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Your Daily Routine

    Life can be extremely hectic, everything around us is designed to distract and keep us busy. Take some time for yourself whenever you have the opportunity, time spent relaxing or looking at your own personal development is never…

    Read more: Simple Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Your Daily Routine
  • Road to recovery from Bacterial Meningitis

    Road to recovery from Bacterial Meningitis

    I shuffled around my home everything looked the same but slightly different. It felt surreal, the space was the same, but my viewpoint and understanding had shifted. It was me that was different, almost like looking at…

    Read more: Road to recovery from Bacterial Meningitis
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Mental Health & Wellbeing

    The road to recovery can sometimes be longer than you think. It can be frustrating, especially when an injury cannot be seen, but only felt or experienced. It is down to the individual to interpret what’s happening…

    Read more: Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • The Healing Process through Creativity

    The Healing Process through Creativity

    I have always had a love for painting, my father, a professional artist, encouraged me to draw and paint since I was a child. I love the arts and how different artists see the world. Through art,…

    Read more: The Healing Process through Creativity
  • Rushed to Hospital with suspected Bacterial Meningitis

    Rushed to Hospital with suspected Bacterial Meningitis

    2021 ended on a real positive note, there were still things with family and friends to cause concern, but I had completed a few projects with very positive results. The latest work for our charity had the…

    Read more: Rushed to Hospital with suspected Bacterial Meningitis
  • Chasing Rainbows – the Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – Chapter 22  – Competing with angels

    Chasing Rainbows – the Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – Chapter 22  – Competing with angels

    The natural world played a large role in my life growing up. Like many people of my generation Sir David Attenborough was one of my heroes. He always spoke with such passion and sensitivity about the natural…

    Read more: Chasing Rainbows – the Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – Chapter 22  – Competing with angels
  • Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs was created by Abraham Maslow in 1954, even with an acceleration of awareness, advancement in psychology and increased technology. These are still at the very core of our needs as humans. After looking…

    Read more: Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • Anatomy, Physiology and the 11 systems of the human body

    Anatomy, Physiology and the 11 systems of the human body

    Anatomy – Structure of the body or biological organism. This includes plants and animals. Multiple parts which usually work together to produce a particular function. Physiology – Functions and processes in relation to the structure (anatomy) in this case…

    Read more: Anatomy, Physiology and the 11 systems of the human body
  • What is the definition of good health?

    What is the definition of good health?

    There are many aspects to the meaning of “health”. When we talk of someone’s health, we automatically assume physical health, this is not wrong. The closer we look we start to see that there are many aspects…

    Read more: What is the definition of good health?
  • Long term recovery from serious illness

    Long term recovery from serious illness

    When I first got admitted to hospital (Bacterial Meningitis and 1.3cm brain abscess) the pain was so intense all I could feel was the trauma within my body. It took over and I was 100% human, descendant of…

    Read more: Long term recovery from serious illness
  • Inspiration from Isolation

    Inspiration from Isolation

    All artists paint in an altered state. As soon as they pick up a brush, they move into a different space where freedom and inspiration are intertwined. 2020 has certainly been a year that no one expected, which…

    Read more: Inspiration from Isolation
  • Prayers for a Divine Service

    Prayers for a Divine Service

    In a Spiritualist Divine Service there are generally three prayers spoken. An Opening Prayer to set the tone and energy for the service. A Healing Prayer, to offer healing to loved ones and people in need. Each service is brought to a close…

    Read more: Prayers for a Divine Service
  • Chasing Rainbow – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – The first chapter

    Chasing Rainbow – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – The first chapter

    The call that changed our world It was the end of another amazing winter season in Meribel, my third inThe Three Valleys. I’d first visited in 1999; it was now April 2002. I’d beenworking as a chef,…

    Read more: Chasing Rainbow – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle – The first chapter
  • The Originality of Thought

    The Originality of Thought

    Original thought is completely necessary. As individuals, we must come to our own conclusions and arrive at our own truths. It doesn’t matter whether that truth is a widely held belief or not, if a conclusion has been…

    Read more: The Originality of Thought
  • What is the Purpose of Prayer?

    What is the Purpose of Prayer?

    Prayer is a major part of most religions and can be seen in many ancient civilisations including Mayan, Egyptian and Greek, dating back far beyond 4000 BC. Praying has been considered a powerful force and a way to…

    Read more: What is the Purpose of Prayer?
  • Listening to your Head, Heart and Gut

    Listening to your Head, Heart and Gut

    Life’s journey is full of challenges. We have an incredible number of decisions to make along the way, and sometimes our decisions have a greater impact on our life plan than we can possibly imagine. How we make…

    Read more: Listening to your Head, Heart and Gut