Tag: Psychic

  • Spiritual Service – what’s happening?

    Spiritual Service – what’s happening?

    Prayer and worship, lectures and inspirational speaking is not a new thing. It’s been around since the beginning of civilisation. The hierarchy and structure of society, praying to God or a deity, listening to insightful philosophers or engaging storytellers. It is all around building energy to give power and self-realisation to an individual or group consciousness.

    Spiritual services come in many forms from church services for the major religions, to yoga sessions, sharing circles and book readings.

    Many churches hold a Sunday service and within the religion of Spiritualism they are called a Divine Service. They generally follow a standard format.

    • Opening Prayer
    • Healing
    • Reading
    • Philosophy
    • Demonstration (Of mediumship – continuation of life)
    • Closing prayer

    What is happening in the energy during a Divine Service?

    Think in terms of energy. We all are aware of energy on a greater degree than our conscious mind allows us to realise. Understanding the flow, push and pull of energy, we know this on a fundamental level and can recognise it within one the simple truth. We all have people in our lives that fall in to two basic categories, the ones who inspire and leave us feeling uplifted, and the others who leave us drained and seeing the glass only half full. It is about energy and how they use it.

    The Opening Prayer is to bring the congregation together within themselves and with each other. Asking people to connect with a higher power or their higher self. To bring alignment and access the universal energy which is part of all of us. From an energetic point of view, each person is bringing themselves into their own alignment by becoming present and relaxed. Opening their energy fields, feeling relaxed and comfortable with a room filled with likeminded people. The words of the prayer have resonance and respect, the prayer can be very powerful if the speaker talks spontaneously within the energy of the moment.

    The Healing part of the service is an opportunity to send healing to people, animals and mother earth as a group. The group energy has built from the prayer and directed thought comes with the alignment of the group energy. Around the UK especially Divine Services are held on Sunday evenings around the same time, the thought that all Spiritualist churches have built the energy of the congregation and are sending healing together is incredibly powerful.

    The Reading is an opportunity to bring the energy into a different frequency where the congregation move into more of a learning frequency, usually the reading is from a well-known book or pioneer who will be recognisable to many. Common themes are around unity of all and the interconnected nature of the universe, it allows people to connect slightly deeper with the greater aspects and energetics of themselves.

    The Philosophy is an opportunity for the person delivering the philosophy to choose a theme or follow the tone of the reading. In Spiritualist churches they may choose one of the Seven Principles. An experienced person will be able to feel and work with the group energy and speak within the moment delivering what is needed rather than anything preconceived thought or rehearsed. Predominately working with the mental and spiritual aspects of the energetics but also feeling the emotional connection to the congregation. They are able to give a group update within the energy for all present.

    The Demonstration of Mediumship is an opportunity for the medium to bring healing across multiple levels and step into the energy that has been built. Delivering contacts to specific members of the congregation using the group energy and the mediumistic energy from the spirit.

    The healing comes across in a few main areas, the evidential nature of the contact is bringing healing on a mental level. Proof life is eternal and comfort that loved ones are still present in energetic form. Emotional healing through the energetic body, and soul healing connecting with peoples self-healing ability.

    The Closing Prayer is the part of the service where every person present can come back into themselves in preparation to leave the venue.

    It is the role of the platform team to hold space within the group energy and ground everyone in preparation for the end of the demonstration. This is a very important part of the service as people will be returning to their lives and public spaces where the openness and safe environment of a church service may not be present.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • Becoming a Medium and practicing mediumship is a calling

    Becoming a Medium and practicing mediumship is a calling

    To become a medium can be an incredibly emotional journey. Mediumship itself is opening up to vibrational energies in this world and within other worlds. A medium is dealing with emotion, grief, and loss with people in this world. They are also a catalyst for greater awareness of life after death within our society and existence. The medium’s main role is to provide evidence of life after death, this in itself is a monumental task should not be underestimated or taken lightly.

    We live in a society with many different belief systems. There has been a steep rise in Atheism over the last twenty years, not everyone believes in life after death. It was not too many years ago mediums were ridiculed and called out as frauds.

    Going back to the Witchcraft Act in 1735 people were put in prison or worse.Thankfully this act was repealed in a landmark ruling in 1951, passing the Fraudulent Mediums Act. One of the roles of the medium is to prove life after death, this in itself is a monumental task to a general society that has been guided over the last 50-100 years to believe in the agenda of debunking religion in the pursuit of science and what can be experienced by the five senses. Of course, in the same time period spirituality has also developed. Since what has been recorded as the birth of modern Spiritualism in 1848 in Hydesville, mediumship and mediums have worked to prove life after death. For an individual want to train as a medium and step into this world is incredibly courageous. They are opening themselves up to ridicule by many, and pressure to prove the existence of life after death in every Divine Service or evidential reading.

    The development and dedication that’s required to become a good medium should not be underestimated. It takes years of practice and personal development to raise awareness and sensitivity to work firstly with psychic abilities, developing mediumship and a connection with spirit guides, finally spirit communicators and delivering evidential mediumship.

    A medium deals with death on a daily basis, not always in the negative but death all the same. If a medium chooses to take part in Divine Services or give private readings of evidential mediumship they are dealing with real people, loss, and grief. A communication from the spirit world can be incredibly healing but also opens up a great deal of emotion within the sitter, their family, and friends. This can be emotionally draining for the medium, steps must be taken for protection.

    Along with the dedication required and emotional overload that may be encountered, there are some incredibly humbling experiences. The medium is also a healer, and many mediums also do spiritual or energy healing. This for me goes hand in hand with spirit communication and is one of the most rewarding aspects of mediumship. To have the opportunity to become a channel for communication from spirit is a great honour and privilege. To be able to bring comfort someone who is experiencing loss is incredible, to be able to offer healing to someone is one of the greatest gifts on earth.

    Becoming a platform medium is a goal for many trainee mediums but I during their journey they often find a different pathway. Mediumship can take many forms and has many different facets. Many choose the path of healing or trance. All routes usually come with some respect and adoration from people attending services, events or seances. This is pleasant for the medium’s ego, although it’s advisable to keep this in check. Also, some people can become dependent on mediums and become attached. This is common and should be handled carefully.

    The choice to become a medium is not easy and can be a very difficult path. There are many personal demons to encounter and overcome along the way. It is also one of the most rewarding journeys, to have the time and patience to find out more about who you really are is a privilege.

    A mediums job is to prove life after death, promote spiritualism as a science, philosophy, and religion but it’s also to bring comfort to people. Mediums have a great love for people and generally have a natural tendency to want to help others. Many mediums find it’s a calling rather than a career choice. They want to bring healing to others and become a catalyst for change within society and the human condition. We can never fully understand what awaits us after death but though mediumship, trance and healing we get a glimpse of our true nature and the love we can share with others.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • Fraudulent psychics and mediums

    Fraudulent psychics and mediums

    Be careful when choosing a medium. How could a psychic or medium mislead you? There are various ways spiritually this could be done, both knowingly by a psychic/medium or unwittingly by a psychic. It is important to make a distinction between a psychic and psychic/medium. There is also a moral question to unfold, the word ‘unscrupulous’ in the question leans towards a knowing deception by the psychic/medium.

    Starting with the difference between a psychic and a medium. In the U.S the term ‘psychic medium’ is often used to describe what in the UK we generally just refer to as a ‘medium’. As many mediums will say, not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums are psychic. The distinction between the two is clear.

    A psychic or psychism is when an individual connects to the energy/aura/auric field or other energetic fields of person or sitter. Though their sensitivity they are able to read the field for information. This can relate to all aspects of the sitter’s life. From current wellbeing and people close to the sitter, both dead and alive to the sitter’s future potential. A medium, through a different vibrational frequency connects to a loved one within the spirit world. This person is generally known by the sitter, the medium is able to give information understandable to the sitter to identify the spirit person. The two different abilities can become clouded as information about a spirit person, namely facts, dates and memories can be picked up in the energy field of the sitter.

    In the introduction I mentioned, ‘unwittingly’ by the psychic. They may genuinely feel they are connecting with a sitters loved one in the spirit world as information given can be recognised. Only with further development by the psychic or the presence of a medium during the sitting can this distinction be clarified. It is also worth noting that psychism can be used to connect with any living entity on the earth plane to pick up information. Family pets, animals, or plant life. We could go a step further and psychism could be used to connect with different planes of existence within an individual or reality.

    Regarding the moral aspects of misleading a sitter. The psychic/medium may not have a link with a spirit person but knowingly communicate to the sitter that they have even when they are connecting psychically. This could be for a number of reasons, but it is down to the morality of the psychic/medium. They could be having a bad day or could be trying to push something on the sitter for emotional retribution or monetary reward.

    I believe it is not the fault of the psychic if they think they are working mediumistically, when in fact they are just picking up information psychically. Although, if working with the public who can sometimes be in an emotionally fragile state, it is the psychics responsibility as practitioners to be competent at their job and honest in who they say they are and what they can deliver.

    When a psychic or psychic/medium misleads a sitter, they are causing emotional stress for the sitter. The sitter will generally know that something doesn’t feel right even if they are not spiritually aware. They will feel something is wrong, they will not find the peace and security that a genuine message from their loved one can bring. This will cause emotional unrest with the sitter which can spread to their family and wider into their community.

    There are many fraudulent mediums working in the public domain, this is a huge problem for the Spiritualist community and Spiritualism as a religion. These people generally prey on vulnerable people and will take advantage wherever they can, usually for monetary reward or status. There are many cases of so-called mediums researching their sitters before readings. This is not even working psychically, it’s just fraud.

    There is also an issue around tutors teaching spirit communication and mediumship. Some people choose to teach before they are fully aware of the subject or understand the energetic stability needed to run a workshop or development group. Badly prepared tutors will produce poor and emotionally unstable psychics or psychic/mediums.

    I would like to praise the work of organisations such as the Spiritualists National Union (SNU) in striving to produce a high standard of mediumship. To help prevent people falling prey to fraudulent or poorly taught mediums they offer a robust teaching scheme so people with SNU qualifications are generally at a high standard of mediumship.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • Exploring Physical Mediumship

    Exploring Physical Mediumship

    Physical mediumship can be best described as; the spirit world manipulating our world through a medium creating tangible physical evidence and proof of life after mortal death. Physical mediumship was more prevalent in the mid 19th and early 20th century. The first real documented evidence was that of the Fox sisters in Hydesville in 1848. They communicated with Mr Splitfoot as the girls called him, later confirmed as Charles B Rosna in what came to be known as the ‘Hydesville Rappings’.

    This was marked as the birth of modern Spiritualism. The Fox sisters Catherine (Kate) and Margaretta (Maggie) made contact with a spirit communicator by ‘rapping’ on a table, Mr Rosna replied with similar sounds. The sisters developed a simple code and realised if they asked questions, they would get a reply.

    Automatic Writing

    Another incredible form of physical mediumship which is more widely seen today is automatic writing. I feel it is completely underrated as a spirit communication technique. For a medium to allow part of their body to be overtaken by the spirit world and be aware of their hands writing words they never thought of in a completely different pen style is incredible. From a training and development point of view its perfect for the medium to become aware of what’s happening to part of their body. From an evidential point of view, it’s an excellent practice as not only does the medium have writings and information from spirit but also a sample of the spirit communicators handwriting.

    This should not be confused with inspired writing, which, for the writers among, us is more commonplace. Have you ever been lost in the flow of words, writing or typing frantically but deliberately? When reading the work back think ‘did I write this?’

    The spirit world and mediums developed automatic writing was part of their communication techniques, it was quicker and more direct than rapping’s. More information could be given with less energy from both medium and spirit communicator.

    Physical Materialisation

    Another form of physical mediumship is physical materialisation. Arguably the most impressive and in modern day the rarest form of mediumship. The medium will usually, but not always, go deep into a trance state and allow their body to be taken over by the spirit world. This would usually happen in a box or cupboard, under controlled conditions using a dim or red light. Ectoplasm would form from the medium and excrete form their aural orifices or from their solar plexus, it would be made up from dead skin and waste products from the mediums body and could extend to form a physical manifestation of spirit communicators.

    One of the finest physical mediums was Alec Harris, he worked with his spirit guide ‘White Wing’ for many years. In 1940 he had received repeated messages from White Wing saying ‘One day. Faithful, White Wing will walk, talk and mingle with you.’ He had to trust. Helen Duncan, who was a high-profile and extremely gifted medium at the time, was in town for a séance and demonstration. On trying to get a place at the demonstration (as he thought it would be the only way for White Wing to materialise), Mr Harris was told that he would be able to do materialisations in his own circle if he changed the evening it took place. He immediately moved it to Tuesday evenings. On the first Tuesday, a ball of light formed in the cabinet. A head and headdress formed, a full materialisation followed, it was White Wing and the beginning of Alec Harris’s physical mediumship.

    Teaching and Philosophy

    We are witness to many seemingly impossible things in life, it’s important to keep an open mind. Whether we have experienced the unexplainable or touched our own inspiration, surprising ourselves with what we can achieve. Opening to the impossible is one of the best ways to push ourselves to believe that anything possible.

    Written by Richard Stuttle