We live on a planet of such wonder, love is within everything and feels like the purest form of experience, the most expansive and all encompassing. Travelling opens our hearts and minds to the beauty around us. The magnificence of mother nature and everything she has created on this planet.
We may think we know about love or maybe experienced it once or twice in our lifetime, but true love changes our world completely. Everything within our lives becomes magical, every moment priceless. All sonnets, quotes and stories of romance resonate in a completely different way, you see and feel a truth within them like never before. People around you notice a change, a feeling of love building from deep in your heart and cascading out through your energy field. True love is a joy that is more powerful than anything within our known reality.
Deeper love
There is a desire, a need to be together. Its uncontrollable, a power like you have never felt. Convention, rationality and morality find a different and meaningful space but they become driven by love. It becomes painful not to be with each other, time passes, and the love only ever deepens falling a little bit further into each other with every thought, every breath.
If two people experiencing this deepening of their love are in the same physical location time moves differently, there is magic and passion with every movement and in every conversation. Realisations cascade and paradigms are broken down, this only works to deepen the space within which love inhabits. The physical bodies become conjoined in a beautiful and rhythmic dance of touch, energetic expression, gazing deep into each other’s eyes and the deepest most sensual sex. The energetic connection builds, messages and knowing in the energy manifest and confirmation is received though simultaneous thought and sexual intimacy.
When distance separates two lovers, the bond does not weaken; instead, it evolves. Messages and feelings flow through the ether, confirming their connection in ways that defy logic. Thoughts synchronise, emotions align, and love transcends space and time, becoming an ever-present force that binds their souls together.
Even in the presence of profound love, challenges arise. Doubts creep in, our minds can question the reality of such a connection. Self-worth issues surface, asking, “How could they love me? How could I be deserving of this?”
These moments call us to look back to ourselves and rediscover self-love. True love begins within, with the realisation that we are more than what we see in the mirror each morning. We are beings of light, love, and infinite potential. This understanding deepens the bond between two people, for it is the purity of self-love that allows us to fully embrace the love shared with another.
Mother Nature’s Role in Love
Nature, in her infinite wisdom, amplifies love’s resonance and reflects it in everything we see before us. When two people come together in love, the natural world responds, becoming a sanctuary that strengthens their connection. The rustling leaves, the warmth of sunlight, the rhythm of waves, the true power and beauty of nature serve as reminders of love’s eternal presence.
Love and Togetherness
When two people share a love so pure and unshakable, it becomes a beacon for others. Their union shifts the vibrational field around them, inspiring those they encounter to find and embrace love within themselves. It is a ripple effect, an overflowing of love that spreads, transforming the world one heart at a time.
Love is the most profound gift of existence, a force that transcends space, time, and the limitations of our human experience. It teaches us to see beyond the ordinary and to feel the extraordinary in every moment. Whether expressed through self-love, shared passion, or connection with the natural world, love binds us to one another and the universe supports every thought and feeling.
In the end, love is not something we seek—it is who we are. It is the thread that weaves through the tapestry of life, uniting all beings in a shared purpose: to love and be loved in return.
It had been over 20 years since I last set foot on the bridge where Caroline took her final steps. The moment felt significant as we walked the full length of the bridge towards the town of Bundaberg. The sun had emerged, and the heat was intense. Having just come from a visit to the mayor’s office, I was overdressed for the midday sun.
Standing on the town side of the Burnett River, I was overcome with emotion. It felt as though things were finally leaving me; it was time to lay down the remaining burdens and thoughts I had carried for so long. Hand in hand, Elvira and I walked across the bridge. One step at a time, we spoke about everything that had happened since the last time I had crossed it. It was a moment for release—a timely surrender of events that had shaped so many parts of my life. Thoughts and memories of Caroline filled my mind: the inspirational young woman she was, and what we had achieved in her name since her passing.
Earlier that morning, we had arrived at the council building for a 10 a.m. meeting with Mayor Helen Blackburn, Deputy Mayor Tracey McPhee, and Betty Kao. We talked about travel and how much things had changed for backpackers and young travellers since 2002. The world we live in now is vastly different. I felt deeply honoured that they had made time for us and still held Caroline’s memory in such high regard.
We visited the memorial in the bus park outside the council offices. It stood proudly, surrounded by a couple of benches where people could sit and take in the beauty of the park’s flowerbeds. After taking some photos, we drove to the botanical gardens to see the tree that had been planted two years earlier. I was humbled. It was amazing to see the tree thriving and the gardens looking so beautiful.
As we walked through the gardens, we reflected on the work of Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation—over 20 years of effort to help young travellers, or indeed any travellers, stay safe while exploring the world. I knew we had made a difference. Our advice and presence had undoubtedly saved lives. Realising the impact of our work meant a great deal. Our mission had always been twofold: first, to educate the next generation of backpackers to prioritise their safety with the reminder that “nothing is worth more than your life”; and second, to inspire people to follow their dreams and explore the world. Until now, I had never fully acknowledged the extent of what we had accomplished—it had simply felt like the right thing to do at the time.
It was now time to visit the bridge, a prospect I had been dreading. The memories of 20 years ago still felt fresh. We parked beneath the bridge on the park side of town. I immediately recognised the exact spot. As I walked over and looked up, I saw the railings and pillars. I had forgotten how close she was to the end of the bridge when she was thrown over—just five more metres, and she would have reached the other side. Even now, the memory was heart-breaking. My feelings for her had not changed, though my understanding of what happened and my emotions surrounding it had evolved.
We climbed to the top of the bridge and looked out. Sadness and heartache washed over me, but I knew it was time to move forward. There was nothing more I could do; I had done all that I was capable of. Caroline would have been proud of what we had achieved in her name. I paused, letting the moment linger—it felt like a long goodbye.
We crossed to the Bundaberg side of the bridge, and I shared more thoughts and memories of Caroline. The heat was intense, and we took a moment to rest. As we walked back across the bridge, it no longer felt like a journey focused on Caroline’s final steps. Instead, it was about releasing her memory, allowing it to find its own place in the energy of the universe. It was about letting go of the burdens we had chosen to carry and those we had picked up along the way that no longer served us. It was a moment to embrace the present and allow the future to unfold authentically and organically.
Caroline would have wished us the most magical adventures and would have held space for us, just as we had held space for her—in life and in the years since her passing.
To my beautiful sister, I bid you a fond farewell and wish you a journey filled with beauty. I don’t yet fully know where I’m going or what I’ll be doing, but I know I have found someone I love with all my heart. With each step forward, I walk in my own authenticity, unafraid of what’s to come. I know you would have been excited to see what I get up to. Much love.
Why do we like certain colours and what do they mean?
Colours are incredibly important and can offer a deeper insight into our psyche. Many decisions we make are subconscious, this is partly our intuition or instinctual self, guiding us towards what we need within the moment. A great deal of what we do is so natural we are barely aware we are doing it; our bodies are built to survive on mother earth and keep us out of danger, also and importantly to give us information about what we need and the world around us. We can use colour to listen more closely to our body and intuitive self to give our conscious mind and update as to what our intuition is trying to tell us.
Why do we choose a specific colour scheme?
The different art we buy or cushions we choose for our sofa can relate to what we need from the space and a point we have reached in our lives. In general, we could say, softer tones or pastel colours can create a more relaxed feel, open space for us to unwind and indulge in more relaxing and philosophical conversation. Brighter, stronger colours could help to bring more energy into our lives, more direct conversation and a faster pace of life.
Colours in our home, walk around your home with a fresh pair of eyes. Interior design also can offer an insight into our lives and personal development. Looking back through our clothing style and palette, the flowers we chose each week to decorate our home and the art we hung on our walls can give us a snapshot of our evolution from a different perspective, our intuitions point of view. This awareness and understanding offers a starting point to understand more about our higher self and inform us about we may need for our next step.
The foods we buy. Colour and intuition not only has a bearing on our mood but also our body’s health. In the supermarket we are drawn to certain coloured foods, a memory of taste or knowledge of nutrition, something inside says “I just fancied that.”, it’s our intuition guiding our conscious mind to what our body needs.
Better understanding colour for our wellbeing
Looking at colour within the spiritual world you may come across some preconceived choices for what colours mean. Many people are aware of the colours of the chakra system, although the chakras no longer play a role within our body system, the colour meanings could still apply as it is a foundation within our knowledge bank, blue for communication, green for heart, red for root. Looking back at the history of religion yellow represents higher knowledge, gold, the light from the divine, the creator and all knowing. Yellow is also healing and mother earth, the sun and reason for all life on our planet.
The more mainstream views of colour which can be linked to art, graphic design and modern society, red is for love, blue is for freedom and creativity, pink can represent a more feminine or softer outlook. Interior design trends and fashion trends change with the seasons, a move through the palette and can quite often depict the mood of society. A few years ago, grey was the colour of the moment, when we looked at society and design it was all minimal, the mood was dull, creativity stifled. Art, intricate design and flamboyance was frowned upon. Thankfully today we see a move back to mother nature, pastel colours, greens, browns and earthy tones, a nurturing and wellbeing feeling for life.
All these meaning are someone’s truth and representations of what different colours could mean, it is important to realise it is down to your individual interpretation within the moment. A simple example I like to use is, if I am walking arm and arm along the beach with my partner, red means love. If I am driving in my car, red means stop! In workshops or teaching environments when I ask what people what red means when driving I often also get the answer, anger or frustration. When asking a group in general what does red mean I get a variety of answers ranging from passion, power and energy to grounding and mother earth. All these views are correct for the individual within that moment, the point I make is if we allow colour to be the starting point to opening our awareness to information around the energy of here and now. Moving away from having a fixed narrative, red always means this and so on.
Using colour for yourself
Build your knowledge and repertoire, learn the basic meanings of colour by others but also ask yourself what they mean to you. Be aware, the meanings can change from moment to moment, day to day or over time as you evolve and build your understanding of yourself and how you function. By raising your awareness to colour, you will begin to understand more about what other parts of your being is trying to communicate, your conscious mind sees red as passion and action, asking your subconscious mind, maybe the reply is overload and caution. Asking the different parts of your psyche what this colour means now can give you more information about what your body, mind and soul actually needs for full health and wellbeing.
Use colour in an active way to benefit your day, be aware of the different colours in your life. Design your home in a way where you can recognise different spaces, peaceful and tranquil areas of health and recharge, productive spaces with colours that offer clear thinking and energy. Relaxing and unwinding tones in your bedroom. Choose your artwork carefully, make sure the artist, image and colours all speak to you. Art is a window within your space where you can drift away into your own creativity and dreams. Be aware of the colours you wear, what clothes you buy and what you choose to wear each day, if you have picked something up without really thinkings its usually your intuition giving you some feedback as to what its experiencing. Be mindful of food, what colours and foods you are drawn to, your body is talking to you in so many ways and understanding colour is a great way to listen.
Wherever we are in the world, it is almost certain that someone has been there before. They may have even found a moment of magic, a frequency left at a certain point and time on earth waiting to be rediscovered.
These moments are everywhere, once we begin to see them more and more find their way into our awareness. We then have an opportunity to walk through this life discovering magic and seeing beauty around every corner.
Not feeling the magic? Life is busy and we are constantly trying to catch up with our mind as it races forward into a future that never arrives. It separates us from the rest of our body, our spirit and our emotional self, when this happens it’s easy to feel numb, not ourselves or aligned with who we really are. This means that rather than walking into moments of magic we race forward missing them all together.
Bringing ourselves back in alignment
Why do we miss these moments? The simple answer is that we are not ourselves, meaning we are not in our bodies or even present. Taking a look at the different areas that makes us present, a simple way to understand this is to break it down into four main areas, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. What can happen is that physically we are fatigued, constantly playing catch up with ourselves. Emotionally we are drawn to people who we think need our support, our love and energy given in the wrong way can be incredibly draining on our systems. Mentally we are thinking of tomorrow and all the pressures of our lives, our to do list, the media we consume, our family commitment, friends or our two-week holiday at the end of the year. Also, the past, everything we did wrong, things that didn’t work out. Our mind has many tools to keep us from the present. Spiritually we are saturated, overly experiencing everything with no filter or boundary. Feeling connections with mother earth, people’s energy or psychic connection, the unseen world and spiritual energies. Our own spirit doesn’t know where to find us, we are not present.
The work is around bringing ourselves back into alignment with the present. Physically, feel your body and listen to the feedback it is giving you. You don’t tell your body what to do, you listen to what your body is experiencing and telling you. Emotionally, bring your emotional energy back to you, focus on primarily caring for you resonating in your own love. Mentally, there is only ever the present, the past is only a memory and tomorrow will never arrive, be here now. By bringing these parts of us back into the present we can connect with our spirit or spiritual energy, the spark of light within us. This gives us an opportunity to become more aware of our surroundings, mother earth, the energetic world and unseen realms. The more present we are the more we start to walk in a different frequency and time becoming aware of the magical moments around us.
Becoming aware of these special frequencies and moments
It is only a simple thought away, bringing ourselves into alignment within the present allows us to open to the frequencies around us. We can be more decerning about what’s happening and have more information to process from our mind, emotional state and body feedback. Mother earth, the energy of our ancestors, humanity, society and animal kingdom. All these frequencies within time are available in our present, we can step into the energy and power of these energies at any time. It is always up to us. When we are working within the present moment, we become more of our truth, that deep knowing within us, it’s a space where another part of us activates and life finds a different rhythm. We find time to step into each moment and realise the magic that is there waiting to be discovered.
Locations on Mother Earth
All of these energies are vibrating at slightly different frequencies. Imagine civilisations of the past, our ancestors stopped in certain spaces, felt the resonance of the earth and found special places on the surface of the planet which offered a harmony or space where it’s possible to access greater wisdom or healing. These magical points are openly available for each one of us to stop and share a moment of presence and appreciation. Ancient sites of lost civilisations were chosen for a reason, there are places around the world which have a strong and powerful energy. A source of power which can be used by people to purify and resonate deeper love. Channelling deeper wisdom from higher beings and other densities. When we act and move in the frequency of the present, we begin to feel drawn to these places and spaces, tapping into that energy and feeling. Resonating purity within our bodies and out into the world.
Aligning with the people around us
Our bodies offer fixed coordinates on this planet within this reality, matter within space and time. We can move around the planet gravitating to various locations where are drawn to, becoming a conductor for a specific energy and frequency. Our energetic signature is personal to us. Our connection to people on a psychic level is unique, people on a similar or compatible frequency will gather together, naturally moving to locations where they can interact and become conduits for transforming energy. This energy is communicated on a psychic level passing to other people on our frequency throughout our network. This energy can also manifest through our creativity in this world either through the spoken or written word, musical interpretation and artwork all with the underpinning vibration of healing energy.
Defining moments in time and space for future magic
The history of our planet is something of a mystery, many civilisations forgotten or removed from the history books. Many of these had deeper wisdom and far greater technology, different sources of energy and ways of tapping into refined frequencies for greater knowledge. The magic of our existence is that now within this time we have an opportunity to radiate our inner light, it’s incredible to think we have been born into a world where we can live the life we want and become aware of the wonderment that has resonated on this planet.
There are pockets of energy, resonating points of refined frequency which are there to be explored, enjoyed, experienced and above all shared. When we find ourselves present within our own alignment, we become aware of moments we can step into and reactivate something from another civilisation or a point in space where someone experienced a magical moment in another time. Everything has already been said, every moment experienced in another past whether it be in a different reality or just a dream of one of our ancestors, it is our role and responsibility to find these spaces and reactivate the grid of magical moments and points of pure love on this planet. When we activate these points, we bring a little more magic into this world.
We need more love at this time on our planet. Finding sweetness in the morning air or watching the sun stream through autumn leaves. Taking your loved one by the hand and walking together down a grand staircase in an old country home connecting with the energy in the fabric of the walls. Walking on the earth feeling wet grass beneath your feet or wandering along a white sand beach as turquoise waters lap around your ankles. Take your time, be present, step into the moments of magic and love around every corner. Take every opportunity, resonate pure love throughout your being and out into the world for others to find.
Whatever philosophy you choose to follow or whatever industry you work in, operate from a place of authenticity. It is very easy to say and seems an obvious statement but it’s something that I don’t feel is always followed, there are many carbon copies or clones who regurgitate the words, quotes or philosophies of others. This becomes even more evident within spiritual communities or people working with energy and healing. Due to the nature of the work, the levels of sensitivity to energy makes people more aware of who are more authentic practitioners, the unauthentic or fraudulent stick out and are revealed quickly.
Learning from others
We all need a teacher or guide, part of our journey through life is learning and education, as humans we pick up new ideas with incredible skill and speed. From our early years, learning to walk, talk and communicate to our later years where we refer to learning as upskilling or personal development. Everyone can teach us something, the more we are able to interact with people the more we learn, interaction is key.
When looking at body somatic, energy work, mediumship and healing there are some wonderful tutors in the world. Some incredible people who share selflessly their knowledge and insight. A tutor once said to me, “I want my students to be better than me.” A humble statement and I am sure many tutors learn just as much from their students as they share. Some of the best I have found hold space for their students and work alongside them as part of the course or workshop rather than preaching from a lectern, although of course both methods have their place in teaching.
Choices and directions
Like with everything in life it’s important to feel what resonates within you. The mind is easily convinced, opinions can change and priorities shift depending on circumstance. We make decisions considering many different factors, family, career, friends and what’s happening in the world around us. It is how we are taught to make decisions, logical thinking and making considered choices. Move forward, be goal orientated, find a pathway that keeps people within our life happy and importantly safe and secure. This is an admirable way to live.
Working with energy, healing or any spiritual modalities can be incredibly different. The resonance throughout our being is the most important factor and should be held above all else. Of course, this is not easy and shouldn’t be detrimental to other aspects of your life but and there is a but! Through finding your authenticity and what resonates within you makes you aware of what no longer aligns to the frequency in which you live. The work is to remove things that no longer align to create bandwidth for new things to enter into your life. The pathway is not goal setting to a fixed destination but removing obstacles so new ideas, people and opportunities can cross your path.
Take what you learn along the way, ask questions and find what resonates with yourself. Whatever you choose to do with your time finding your own way of doing it is important, taking knowledge and training from others filtered and interpreted through your own uniqueness can change the way you operate and frequency which you resonate.
Contemporaries and likeminded souls
Doors are opening and new people entering into your life. We can all recognise times within our life when everything has been going well. It feels like we are stepping forward on solid foundations, this feeling doesn’t always last, it’s not something that feels tangible but we know from experience that the more we relinquish judgement with our conscious mind we enter into what is known as ‘flow’, this is where we are resonating on a higher frequency and we find other high frequency beings who are also resonating in the same state. Like attracts like! We find ourselves no longer concerned with what could happen or even what has happened but become active within the moment focusing on what we are doing.
How to become a more authentic practitioner
How does this relate to authenticity and work? It is no longer about understanding or knowing the facts and figures. Authenticity comes with deeper feeling and wisdom, when you have understood something not only on a mental level but when the feeling of something comes in a physical form, it’s a feeling of energy throughout the body system. There is a difference when you speak from memory and when you speak from the energy within the moment. They are very different areas of access.
Language and memory are learnt information which gives the authentic practitioner tools to work with and the ability to speak to people in terminology they will understand. Speaking from the energy of the moment will add an energetic value and update to the words allowing a rise in vibrational resonation and unity within the frequency.
It is an incredibly simple concept; you always have everything you need and speak spontaneously without bias. It is also incredibly challenging as it goes against everything we are taught. Our conscious mind likes a plan and to follow a script, its comfortable. To get on a stage or stand up in front of a group with nothing is daunting but remember you don’t have nothing you have everything without restriction. It is about trust and knowing you have done the work.
Authenticity is not just with the work, it’s not something you can switch on and off. We are at a point in our history where change is driven by our energetic signal that is always resonating whether we are working, relaxing or sleeping. This is the point of change to define a positive future.
The conscious confirmation. It is so simple to just be ourselves. How do we know we have done a good job? Confirmation comes after the fact, this is a very different way of working, it is not how we have been taught in the educational system or the business world. Everything must be quantifiable in order to have value. Work within the moment knowing you are always giving what is needed, confirmation for the conscious mind comes in the realisation of change what comes to pass in the people you are working with.
Where do we go from here?
For the conscious mind it may feel like a leap of faith, but somehow it just feels right. Find what resonates and make it your own, live it, practice it and teach it to others in your own unique way. This shift in belief allows you to access a greater part of your being, changing the physical world around you and how you interact with people, putting you on a different frequency with others who have made the same decisions. It can not only change your world but also the consciousness of society. Living and making decisions only with the conscious mind will not fully connect us with all the parts of our humanness.
Life now opens to limitless potential. When we are able to find the space of authenticity within us, we access information from our greater self, we do not recite the work of others or follow teachings we don’t fully understand. We create space with others bringing forward more opportunity and holding space to find more of our authenticity. For me authenticity is not about operating from the conscious self or logical mind is resonating from the feeling of our being, the highest feeling which is pure love. When we find the pure love setting within ourselves, we move to a space without judgement, simple holding space and experiencing the endless beauty of what is.
There are many groups, practices and practitioners working today, all teaching different modalities of wellness and wellbeing. Everything from Body Somatic, Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing to Qigong and many different forms of Yoga and breathwork practices which revolve around bringing different aspects of your being into alignment, activating greater parts of yourself and working on personal attunement. All practices and modalities have a truth within them, when you find a practice or teaching you resonate with the most important aspect is to feel into the authenticity in which the teacher and group operates. Find what is right for you.
For many teachings and practices finding a state of alignment is the goal. This can sometimes be confusing to students. The goal of the practice is to find alignment, but a common misunderstanding by students is that they think the practice is to invoke a state of serenity in everything they do, approaching life with an outlook of zen and calm. Alignment to me is something different and doesn’t necessarily mean serenity or calmness. For me it is simply a state where we have access to greater aspects of who we really are and a deeper understanding of our true nature, capability and importantly capacity.
The part of development which is not often realised
I would suggest that alignment this is just the starting point for accessing our own authenticity and self-healing to recognise these emotional reactions within our energy field that we may have previously thought of as us. It is not what’s happening externally, it is what the external world triggers internally within us. With alignment or any self-development or spiritual advancement work we start to become aware of paradigms of thought that no longer serves us or old trauma that comes back into our consciousness. This work is difficult, challenging and can often open dark spaces where we don’t want to go. This is the work; these are the places we need to explore when finding our own purity and authenticity.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Do not become confused by our human reaction to life’s challenges.
Finding your own space
The majority of these healing and balancing practices revolve around bringing together the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our humanness.During the sessions a state of alignment, inner calm and serenity is entirely possible and if working with an authentic teacher and group then easily reached. Where it falls is when students return to their daily lives and struggles and feel they need to live in a state of inner calm, they then become frustrated when they are not able to maintain the awareness and alignment without the support of the teacher and group.
A slightly different mindset is needed, the point of the teachings and sessions are not to produce a state of calm to walk through the rest of our lives. They are to produce a state of authenticity we can recognise as us. This is the reference point for living daily life, the practice and alignment allows us to feel what is us, so we are then aware what isn’t us. We are able to recognise paradigms we live in which we previously maybe thought was us.
When we work on alignment and healing it is also important to learn how to hold space for ourselves and others, experience what comes up and hold space for the point of authenticity within us. Holding space for others and allowing them to find that point within them.
After alignment – working with a practitioner or group
Students returning to the world following a course, retreat or workshop will be resonating on a different frequency, they have expanded their bandwidth. I hear,“Nothing has changed but everything is different.” They have become aware of other energies that are operating in our world. They are also more aware of how people are plugging into their energy fields through certain emotions. In some cases, students have set up supportive unconscious boundaries within their energy field so people can’t plug in as they used to, this can cause frustration and may manifest in emotional behaviour from people around the students. This is why holding space is so important.
Another point that is important to note is that certain people will now be attracted to the new frequency within their energy field, this can be both positive and negative. A lot of people who resonate on similar frequencies will come together to work together and for greater healing and development, but also people who want to take energy or plug into their energy field in an unhealthy way (Be aware that many people who you feel might be negative or have drain energy are not aware of what they are doing).
It is important to know how to take the teachings and practices you learn from others and find how they work for you as an individual. There is an element of truth in all practices and if you feel drawn to a certain teacher or practice then there is something that connects at that specific time on your journey. The next step is to find the authenticity within the teachings for yourself and allow the rest to leave. This simple point will allow you as an individual to be able to fully understand what you are doing and how it works for you, giving you deeper understanding and greater capacity. This also removes any reliance on a teacher or specific modality that has been developed by others.
Our greater responsibility
Alignment with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being is just the beginning. You stand in your own space with greater awareness of yourself which allows for a deeper experience and ultimately deeper healing. We have a greater responsibility in today’s world, it is our role to take personal responsibility not just for our actions but also for our energy and every part of our being. We are conduits to process energy, hold space for ourselves and others in a way that they can raise to match our vibration. Become the lighthouse and signpost for others.
Holding firm within your own authenticity to allow others to find a key within your energy field to gain deeper access to their own.
There are many forms of healing dating back centuries, almost every culture and civilisation recognised healing in some form or another. From the medicine men and shaman in America to the witches and witchcraft of medieval England. Spiritual healing as it was termed came into prevalence in the United Kingdom around the turn of the 19th century where practitioners would be thought to channelling energy from the spiritual realms. The word spiritual refers to unseen energy which can be felt but not observed by the five senses.
How can we describe healing?
Healing can be described as channelling energy and holding space for a client.The healer is channelling healing energy from the world around them as well as raising awareness to the clients own self-healing ability. Healing restores and rebalances, improving physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The practice of healing is very simple. A healing practitioner will sit with a client and focus on channelling healing energy from the natural and unseen worlds to give support in whatever form it is needed.
A scientific thought to healing
In the 1990’s scientists discovered that there are approximately 40,000 specialised cells that create neural networks in the heart that are similar to cells in the brain. This means that we have a thinking and cognitive part to our being as well as a feeling and emotional part. Both are incredibly powerful and when aligned can give us deeper insight into our true self. We recognise that both parts work in a similar way and offer information to help us realise our true potential and navigate this world.
What happens with life experience and trauma is that all information is recorded within the cellular structure of the mind, body, and heart. This creates patterns and behaviours which can cause us to act in a way that is not aligned with our true nature. Through awareness and alignment, we can become aware of these different part of our being and the energetics attached.
Healing from trauma
The medical profession work with healing the mind, one aspect of our being. Through understanding and rationality, we can make sense of the feeling and emotions that come up within us. Medication can help in some cases, controlling the release of chemicals within the body and controlling the symptoms and emotional reactions and feelings to specific triggers. This is usually coupled with mindful practices and letting go of past events. Energy or Spiritual healing works primarily from the other direction, recognising the trauma in the body and heart. Bringing awareness to these areas and releasing the blockages and build-up of energy.
What happens energetically?
As we grow and develop, we have many experiences which create patterns that define the way we live our life. Simply put, this experience or activity makes me feel good and this makes me feel bad. We build up a picture of our world and create paradigms which we live within, some are positive and others negative. We attach an emotion to these which reenforces the paradigm, so when a similar situation comes in our life, we recall the time before and the emotion we felt. Over time we start to think these paradigms are something which is actually part of us, they come to define us. This builds up energetically within our mind, body and energy system, the more something compounds the more our energy is blocked, and blockages around our system are created. Over time these can manifest physically in the form of aches or pains. Stressful situations for example can often give us tense shoulders. If we have a lot on our plate and people are demanding our time this can manifest as a bad back. These are areas where we have a repeated emotional trigger to a situation and within our energy system and we feel it is part of us. Our conscious mind tries to ascertain the cause and come up with a rational explanation unaware of the paradigm it is operating in.
What are healers doing?
Healers are not healing! They are holding space and making the client aware of their own patterns. The first step is conscious recognition of the pattern or paradigm which the client is living in. The second step is for the client to activate their own self-healing through reconnecting to their own source energy. It’s also worth noting that everyone always connected to their source energy, and we are constantly healing and repairing, sometimes is just running very quietly in the background and we need to bring it more to the foreground within our daily lives.
This works by the healer resonating at their own frequency and connecting with their own source energy in a strong way. This is done through alignment of the different aspects of ourselves in this life; the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The healer will then hold space for the client and allowing the energy to flow around their energy system to start to remove the blockages.
In spiritual healing or energy healer, this is often referred to as channelling energy from a higher source. Spiritual healers are connecting with a healing energy source that is aware that the client’s energy is blocked within the paradigms of their lives.
What can we do?
We all have patterns in which we live in and multiple paradigms of thought both positive and negative. Meditation or mindful practices are good to bring us back to the present, they help us to operate in the present moment and align the different aspects of us. The more in alignment we are the easier it is to recognise our patterns and connect more strongly with our own source of healing energy.
We may not consider ourselves artists or creative people, but everyone has a relationship and understanding of colour. Our everyday life is full of choices which have an underpinning influence of colour and feeling whether we are conscious of it or not. Colour is within everything; from what clothes we choose to wear each day to the colour of the foods we eat and environments we choose to work and live.
Within healing colour plays an important role, we only need to look at the chakras or colours around the auric field. Colour is given meaning or an easily understood method of understanding feeling. We also know that certain colours have different collective meanings, in nature, yellow and black as a combination highlights caution or red to signify danger. Bright colours of flowers to attract bugs and insects for pollination. We have adopted these meaning within the consciousness of society. Red when driving signifies danger and means stop, green means go as with nature green signifies growth. As within nature we have multiple meanings for the same colour depending on the moment. A deep red rose is inviting insects to come closer, similarly when we think of the red rose we think of love. We wonderfully link colour to different emotional or energetic states, when we interpret this it goes both ways, not only to warn or attract but also to raise awareness and become more present of the moment.
To open awareness to your relationship with colour is to unlock a tool for communicating with your intuition and deeper aspects of who we are. We digest colour in so many different ways, through our visual relationship with colour we can draw attention to our conscious mind of other important parts of us that may wish to be heard.
Intuitive healing alignment
We can use colour in a direct way, for this healing alignment you will need paper, pencil and box of pastels or coloured pencils.
On a sheet of paper draw eight circles in two rows of four. The bottom row relates to your conscious mind and top row your intuitive self.
Each circle along each row represents a different aspect of your being in simple terms.
To begin. Relax your body, take a breath and bring as much of yourself into the present moment as possible. Feel your body and become aware of your surroundings. With your eyes open and with your conscious mind choose a colour for each circle. Start with your physical self. Choose colours for your emotional, mental and spiritual selves. As you colour each circle try to feel the colour and the meaning behind why you chose that particular colour.
Take a moment to reflect. The bottom row represents how your conscious mind perceives you and the space you are in currently. How do you feel?
Come back to the centre of you. Gently connect with the first circle, the physical aspect of you. With your eyes closed ask your intuitive self to choose a colour. Scan your hand over your box of pastels/pencils and pick up a colour. Add to the circle in the top row above the colour you chose for your physical self.
Take a moment to feel the colour, what comes up? The colour relates to what your intuitive self feels you need in this moment.
Continue the exercise connecting with each aspect of you and choosing a colour without looking. With each colour feel what it may mean for you at this time.
When you have filled all circles take a moment to reflect, are the colours from top and bottom row similar? What is the top row telling you that you may need at this time?
Deepen the connection with your intuition.
Listening and becoming aware of the needs of other parts of yourself.
Greater understanding of the role colour plays in your life.
In conclusion
It is interesting to consider how aware we are to our needs within conscious thought and how or if it differs to our intuitive self. Repeating exercises like this is a great way we can be more aware on a daily basis to our overall needs and greater aspects of self.
Next time you choose a top to wear, have a thought as to what the colour means for your day ahead. Next time to feel like a certain food or get drawn to the red apples instead of green, ask yourself what is your intuitive self pointing out to you that you might need in this moment.
To dive into this question we must first ask, what is science? The definition in the dictionary is, ‘The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.’
The framework in which science operates is within and born from the nature of our reality. Natures laws we have been conditioned to live by. Time, Space and Matter.
Time – is a construct of our reality, it holds and regulates the cycles of life and death within our experience. Our bodies age and time passes at the same rate, but time is experienced in very different ways depending on our relationship to reality.
Space – the area in which we inhabit. It is only within space that we can understand the three-dimensional nature of our reality. Space gives us our coordinates within the universe and helps us understand the nature of time in relation to the distance between two points in space.
Matter – the carbon construct, building the fabric of reality. We are all made of the basic materials. We are carbon-based lifeforms which have been manipulated in countless different ways.
Without all three components, time, space and matter we would never exist. The universe evolved over billions of years, stars are born and explode. Life on earth is incredibly diverse and evolved in a wonderous harmony. Every person, lifeform on the planet, experiences time and their reality differently. Trees grow over hundreds of years. A human lifetime currently spans just short of a century, our pets live for a decade or two. Time, space, and matter are all relative to our perceptive experience.
We are born into a physical reality where the natural laws govern and have evolved over billions of years. The lineage of species has evolved over the thousands of generations before us. Our mind, body and soul follow a similar pattern to that of the universe. We would not exist without all three.
Mind – our consciousness, collective or individual.
Body – our families blood line and physical instrument
Soul – the infinite part of us, our connection to God
All three work together in a perfect harmony. Human have developed to be receivers of information. Our body has the five senses for us to experience the physical world around us. Our soul triggers emotional experience, bringing love, and a host of other emotions. Our mind tries to make sense of it all, to create and define our existence.
We understand our reach is so much greater than the material world around us. The more our mind and consciousness explores and the more sensitive our bodies become, the more information we become aware of. We become aware of spirit, mediumship, and the spirit world.
How did we get here?
To begin we can consider the evolution of our planet and how we found ourselves in the here and now. To highlight the natural laws in which we are all bound and how our mediumistic development inevitably follows the same logic, I would like to approach creation from the point of view of evolution through consciousness. A great example of this is from ‘The Ra Contact – Teaching the law of One’. The information came through channelled text from a group of people using trance mediumship, so it seems a fitting outlook to begin with.
Through the many channelled sessions documented, a few specifically delve into the nature of our universe. My interpretation of this text is as follows…
Before life and our universe existed. Imagine for a moment infinite space, which of course is impossible. But imagine the idea that within the infinity of nothingness there is a stirring. A breeze, a directional force and movement of energy. Within infinity arises an infinite awareness of movement, awareness of the movement of itself. This develops into awareness of the infinity of space in which it moves. Over time this evolves to become aware of the nature and energy of itself. Infinite awareness evolves to become a flow of energy across space, this creates the concept of time within the space it travels. Its own unique vibrational energy moving through space.
At some point there is a realisation through the evolution of energy that there are other vibrations, other frequencies within itself. Movements occurs throughout the vastness of space, in turn forming lighter and denser frequencies of energy. These begin to attract and bounce off less each other. The infinite awareness has the realisation of differences within energy. Over time and space, a realisation occurs where the awareness purposely collides into differences of energy within itself. An understanding forms, knowledge and information can be gained through interactions with itself. Consciousness is formed. Energy condenses and starts to collide, finding out more about its true nature.
Matter begins to form though the difference frequencies of energy and collisions occur. Over time, rock, planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, and our universe begins to take shape in more of a physical form. This becomes known as first density. Born from changing frictions of frequencies the movement of energy.
Realisations happen on a planetary scale, collisions within atoms and molecules form relationships with each other. Consciousness moving, interacting to find out more about itself. Some repelling and other attracting, the flow and movement of energy into certain frequency ranges. This ultimately created the right conditions for life to form, leading to plant life. This becomes second density.
Consciousness can only evolve through experiencing itself, learning and forming mutually beneficial relationship or not. On a cellular level, cells split and continue to split until life begins to form on the planets, these cells continue to split and evolve until we have cellular organisms, sea life, reptiles, manuals, and eventually human life. Human life is third density.
All if this ultimately rises from the realisation that for evolution, we need discussion with ourselves. Consciousness is a result of the realisation that to evolve we need to divide and converse. This continued to happen across time and space which led us to the here and now.
All life follows this process which became a series of natural laws within our density and universe. We all evolved and are part of the same energy. Humans developed conscious life, with awareness of a connection to the whole, of self and life and death.
We can see this natural law clearly manifesting today. All we need to do is look at reproduction within humans. There is an egg within a reproductive system, the egg becomes fertilised and splits in two, this continues splitting to have a conversation and create a relationship with itself until eventually a baby is born. There is a part of the universal consciousness within the baby, its soul, its unique individual nature, its own frequency looking for connection, conversation, and experience.
Therefore, we are all connected to one another under the realisation of the ultimate consciousness. Each one of us as energetic beings on this planet feeding back information though frequency and energy to the one ultimate creator, the universal consciousness. Also known as God.
We began to understand the nature of frequency, the nuances between frequencies. These translate though feelings and emotions. We discover love. The ultimate frequency of acceptance and realisation, all is one. We are part of one another and the whole. Love became known as fourth density.
The densities continue to refine and go further but to understand mediumship and connecting to the spirit world we only need to go on as far as the fourth density. Through the vibration of love, we can connect to our loved ones beyond our physical world in the spirit world. We start to understand the vibrational range and attunement required to connect with spirit.
This way of interpreting creation puts the emphasis and understanding our world on a vibrational or energetic level. Evolution following natural laws. To understand how mediumship is possible we must understand the different between time space and space time.
Time Space refers to our timeline, planets within space, beings with physical bodies and physical coordinates. In short, our reality experienced with our five senses.
Space Time is frequency or in this case souls without physical bodies or physical coordinates. We can connect with these souls through attunement of frequency. This goes some way to explaining how after death of the mortal third density body we can connect with the souls of loved ones and bring forward information from many different parts of their lives. There is no longer any fixed time in space.
Countless people have lived in time space, souls incarnating in our reality. They pass to spirit and enter back into space time, their unique vibration of life experiences available through attunement. Mediumship works through us as incarnate souls raising vibration of the conscious mind to attune with the vibration of souls who no longer have physical form.
Energy centres on earth
The evolution of our energetic understanding and resonance of our physicality can be seen throughout human history. Energy centres in physical locations have been used for centuries to channel information from spirit and finer densities than ours. Many spiritual locations have been identified as energy hotspots and used to receive higher wisdom. Places like Stone Henge have been built on meridian and lay lines. People pray and sit in these energy centres connecting with spirits or spirit communicators. Many of these places still hold sway but many have been lost in time.
Graham Hancock in Fingerprints of the Gods said, “Not for the first time I felt myself confronted by the dizzying possibility that an entire episode in the story of mankind might have been forgotten. Indeed, it seemed to me then, as I overlooked the mathematical city of the gods from the summit of the Pyramid of the Moon, that our species could have been afflicted with some terrible amnesia and that the dark period so blithely and dismissively referred to as ‘prehistory’ might turn out to conceal unimagined truths about our own past.”
The book goes in-depth into different civilisations throughout the world which history has forgotten but traces can still be found. Atlantis and the lost city for example. Egyptian civilisation and the pyramids (not built by the Egyptians by the way). The location of the Queen’s Chamber in the great pyramid in Egypt. The chamber is set in a specific location to interact with spiralling energy centre in order to channel information from other beings, dimensions though mediums who would sit in trance like states.
When we factor in mediumship and channelled information from spirit it goes towards explaining some of the missing links within our history. Explaining how different civilisations without physical contact developed the same techniques or working methods. We have seen the rise of civilisations, different methods of agriculture and society development which seemed to spring up from nowhere. The monoliths and different structures built by indigenous people of the time harnessed natural energy to enhance the ability of communication to access higher wisdom through knowledge and mediumship and trance.
What is Energy?
Definition from Britannica ‘Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover, heat and work—i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy.’
We are all energy, made from the same stuff! Every physical motion, mental thought process and emotion generates the movement of energy in different ways, shapes, and forms. A lovely and simplistic visual action is throwing a stone into a still lake of water, the ripples from one action flow to infinity. The phrase “One flap of a butterflies wing can cause a tsunami on the other side of the world.” Shows cause and effect, the interconnected relationship of all energy. It’s an incredibly difficult concept to fully understand in every aspect of your being.
The first law of thermal dynamics and Einstein’s equation, E=MC2. Matter cannot cease to be, it can only be transformed. Animism people believe that everything lives, there is no life and no death, only change. All matter is energy and follows the scientific nature of the universe. As we are part of nature, it follows that we abide by the same rules and have the same structure to follow when working mediumistically.
The Fibonacci sequence is numbers following the science of nature. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,144,233,377,610,987, 1597 and so on. If these numbers are used to make equal length sides of a square a beautiful spiral shape emerges which can be seen throughout nature and the natural world. A law of numbers followed by nature; the rule is written xn = xn−1 + xn−2. As one of nature’s laws discovered by science, we can apply these rules when working with mediumship and psychism.
Developing psychism and mediumistic abilities
‘The question might be asked, “Why must those in the Spirit side of life come through a medium rather than communicating directly with their loved ones on earth?
Peggy Barnes answers the question this way:
Could you send a telegram without the instruments? Can you pick music out of the air without your radio? The medium is the instrument through which those vibrations must come… It is just as sensible to say that there is no music or sound passing through the air because you are not able to hear it with your physical ear as it is to say that your Spirit mother cannot communicate because she is not able to do so with you directly.’
Mediumship is governed by natural laws. We communicate by using our emotional knowledge of frequency to pass information from one soul to another whether they have a physical body or not. A fundamental truth. Science will say that energy can never die, it just changes form. We know that we are more than just our physical existence or that of our five senses, we have the compassion and creativity of our soul within us.
To explain this more fully I often start with a statement. “The limitation of our conscious mind is our greatest asset.” It allows a greater emotional range to evolve within the individual. Meaning, because we are unable to know the outcome of a situation along a linear timeline, we move into every new experience wholeheartedly. Meeting a new partner for example, as the relationship progresses, we can give ourselves emotionally in a fuller sense to the other person. We do not know whether we will end up heartbroken in twelve months or live long and happy lives together. This offers the deepest emotional connection and range within the experience. If we knew the relationship was going to end, we would never commit fully in the first place. This methodology goes through every experience, we live in life, ultimately expanding our emotional range. This is where our emotional range and attunement begins to open our psychic and mediumistic abilities.
There are many different forms of mediumship and psychic ability. I believe we don’t fully understand the extent of what we are capable of. As an overview, psychic connection is from mind to mind or person to person. Although it is not limited to just people, it can be felt within nature, the connection with mother earth, the animal kingdom as well as on mass through the energetic consciousness of society. Mediumship is divided in to two main categories, perception and controlled. Perception is information interpreted through the mind of the medium. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience for example. Controlled mediumship is where the mind of the medium moves aside to all for a spirit communicator to take control of the physical body. This would include trance, automatic writing, and the creation of ectoplasm.
Psychic connection
Human to human connection, developing the awareness emotions and feelings not contained within the body. Called the aura and auric field, these energies can be picked up by the psychic or medium. Energy can travel infinite distances. A simple thought can travel across the world in a split second and be picked up by someone else. This is often referred to as a psychic connection telepathy. Everyone processes psychic ability, depending on their level of development as to what information they become aware of. This has been well documented through many studies. It is generally thought there are seven main energy bodies but of course there are an infinite number, and nuances within them.
Aura and auric fields
Leading outwards from the physical body
Physical plane
Physical body
Etheric body
Emotional body
Mental body
Astral plane
Astral body
Spiritual plane
Etheric template
Celestial body
Causal body
These basic outlines allow us to understand a little more about where and how we are picking up the information in someone else’s field and that of our own.
‘The word itself is derived from two Greek words. “tele” (afar) and “pathy” (feeling). The dictionary definition of Telepathy is: “Action of one mind on another at a distance, through emotional influence without communication through physical senses.”’
The brain transmits electrical signals through nerves, these signals can be read by other people as well as electronic devices such as a Transcranial Magnetic stimulation Wand or attaching electrodes physically to the head. Experiments have been done on monkeys and rats picking up information from a hive mind. Rats are placed into a maze, connecting to other rats who have already navigated the maze, they are able to navigate the maze correctly. In people, a two-person experiment. One person is to concentrate on a particular view or item. This information is read as specific EEG brain activity and is sent to the mind of another by electromagnetic pulses which are then deciphered by the recipient’s mind. This can be done with technology and equipment or without by the recipient attuning to the mind of the other person and picking up the information.
The Spirit world exists just outside of physical reality frequency range. This doesn’t mean that both our world and the spirit world can’t interact. With training and development, we can raise our vibration, shift our awareness to become aware of the spirit world and spirit communicators within that world. (For me this is raising my vibration to embody more love and push my awareness to the fourth density range, as in the early explanation of the universe). A spirit world communicator lowers their vibration and where there is harmony information can be communicated.
Many spiritual medium teachers talk about the mechanics of mediumship. The scientific nature of connection though attunement and vibration. Raising our vibration to meet the vibrational energy of the spirit world. Like tuning a radio. When working with a spirit communicator following a logical unfoldment of information. Identifying a communicators passion and connecting with their excitement, love, and energy. Everything they would like to bring forward for the recipient.
Some mediums follow a step-by-step approach, building energy and evidence. Identifying key pieces of information to offer proof of life after death to the recipient. Very similar to the approach scientists take when approaching a problem to solve.
Psychical mediumship
Physical phenomena relating to Spiritualism. We think of ectoplasm which is not so prevalent in the modern world. The energy and material used for the creation of ectoplasm was usually taken from the medium, their waste products and dead skin cells. Traditionally the medium would sit in a cabinet, take energy from other mediums around them. Using them like batteries to support the energy required for the manifestation. The spirit world is able to create a physical form, ectoplasm would emerge from the mediums body, often from the mouth, ear, or stomach area.
Physical phenomena would also include ectoplasmic rods, trumpets, direct voice, transfigurations, and many other forms. This type of phenomena would often occur in séances, the energy being pulled from the group and the medium. There are reports of flowers wilting and the energy of the room becoming depleted.
Alec Harris – A Welsh born solider who in the 1930’s sat in séances with Helen Duncan, he fully believed her materialisations and began to develop as a medium. After development he was able to materialise spirit guides. In the 1940’s it was said by other mediums that he could materialise as many as 30 spirits within one séance. Mr. Harris passed to spirit in 1974.
Gordan Higginson – A famous pioneer of Spiritualism and a world class physical medium. His development was such that he was able to give incredibly accurate messages from spirit communicators to prove the existence of life after mortal death. He was the longest serving president of the SNU, serving for 23 years. He was a tutor at the Arthur Findlay College where he gave many lectures and demonstrated physical mediumship. Passing to spirit in 1993.
One of my favourite quotes by Mr. Higginson is ‘Before you can touch the Spirit, you must find it within yourself. For all truth, for all knowledge and all love, must be found first within oneself. And the Spirit can never touch you and bring love and peace within your being and from your being, until you have found it for yourself. And before you can build a picture of love from the Spirit, you must learn to find it in this life. For visualisation is leading you to vision itself. For words and music are there for you to find, in moments, an answer; something that’s for you, to live our life in truth.’
The focus here is on personal development, find it within yourself. Connect with the vibration of love within you and you can connect with the vibration of love within others. All is connected and all is one. All mediumship and certainly physical mediumship takes many years and great teachers to develop.
Spiritual or energy healing
Harry Edwards was one of the leading spiritual healers of his time. There are many amazing accounts of healings. My Edwards also wrote many books on spiritual healing. The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary in Surrey carries his work forward, training healers and offering healing and distant healings. Although methods have changed over the years there are interesting points relating to the chakras and parts of the body. From a mediumship and psychism perspective, we can access information from systems in the body through chakras, their energetic frequency and resonance. This can offer information about the physical conditions of another person. We can also receive information from the spirit world through our chakras.
When we talk about spiritual healing this in a sense, it is very physical phenomena. Clients can experience physical transformations of wellness as well as emotional or mental healing. There are two main types of physical or hands on healing. Channelling energy from the universal energy or divine source. Or magnetic healing, energy from the healer themselves.
Development and tools of the Medium
Tools of the medium as governed by the natural laws within our existence. Firstly, we have our mind, the hub of limitless possibility. It is what governs our reality, our outlook on life and our state of awareness.
We have a body for picking up sensory information around us, more than just our five senses. Our body picks up information from the aura and auric field. The chakras or energy centres for accessing energetic information.
Most important of all is love, the higher level of attunement and vibration which connects to the spirit. Mental mediumship is down to attunement, raising our vibration to become aware mentally and emotionally of a spirit communicator. Surrendering to a communicator, creating a blend mentally, emotionally, and physically.
As part of mediumistic development, attunement it is common practice for many mediums. Aligning themselves with three different states to aid their development.
Sitting in the Power – This starts with the basic practice of sitting in our own energy and building our own power. It can begin with a light meditation, a focus on the energy centres within our own body, especially the root chakra and solar plexus.
The purpose of sitting in the power is to understand our own power and energy, finding out methods and techniques that work for us as individuals. It’s akin to recharging ourselves from our own point of divinity, tapping into the spark of God within ourselves to find and expand the truest form of our own energy.
Attunement – The word was first used by Lloyd Arthur Meeker. ‘Attunement was the early term adopted by practitioners of energy medicine, originally developed by Lloyd Arthur Meeker (1907 – 1954) and his colleagues. Meeker taught and practiced Attunement as a central feature of his spiritual teaching and ministry, Emissaries of Divine Light.’ The term was associated with syncing with specific frequencies that can offer a different sensation and awareness of an alternate reality. People become aware of different vibrations and can attune their vibration to match, which in turn creates a link so communication can take place.
Meditation – A starting point for both sitting in the power and attunement. From a light state of meditation people can choose to focus on their own power or attunement to other frequencies. Meditation can also be used for self-healing, finding information, understanding more about self, and linking with the global consciousness.
All three states of being are incredibly important for understanding ourselves, our power and the different frequencies that surround us. Each has a very specific use and takes a long time to master, it is widely known that people don’t often feel the real benefits of meditation until years down the line.
As mediums we are only connecting with the natural abilities within ourselves. Some mediums have more ability than others. This relates the body incarnate, family linage, advanced level of the soul, and personal experiences within this life. There must also be a high level of dedication towards development. We cannot move outside of the natural laws in which we live. Our body is created of this earth, it is just not possible to be something we are not.
Looking from a scientific point of view, we are carbon-based entities, energy created from the universe in which we are part. The natural laws of our creation will always remain. The wonderous part falls beyond the limitations of our conscious mind. Not knowing what is going to happen. Constantly finding ourselves on a journey of discovery, our emotional experience and awareness of frequency ranges has no limit. We are always learning, evolving, and developing. We feel and experience everything first, science follows and tries to make sense of it all through explanation understandable by our conscious mind.
There are a few areas of consideration. As part of spiritual development many mediums naturally become aware of their psychic ability. It becomes a tool for better understanding information through perceptive mediumship. The other main area is when a medium is holding connection with a spirit communicator and recipient or sitter. Part of the connection is a psychic link with the sitter to allow the flow of energy and love from the spirit person. The final area I would also like to touch on is the importance of personal development for a medium.
The spirit world has far greater intelligence and a wider perspective than us in our earthly bodies. They are always looking for the simplest and most energy efficient ways to communicate with their loved ones. The more facets and tools the medium has to offer the spirit world the more they will use. When a medium is developing their psychic senses many of the sensations within the body work in a similar manner when tuning into spirit, it is like learning a language. Once the medium understands their own vibrational range on a psychic level the same range is used when working on a mediumistic vibration.
With expanded psychic abilities there is a point of connecting for a spirit communicator, some people in spirit are better communicators than others (just like in life). The wider the understanding or boarder the psychic range, the more subtle energies can be used by the spirit communicator.
As the medium delivers a spirit communication, they are creating a link between spirit communicator and recipient, this link allows the spirit communicator to transfer energy through the medium to the recipient. It is often said during spirit communication that the recipient could feel their love or presence. This flow of energy is enhanced by the mediums ability to connect on a psychic or energetic level. There is also a point to make within public demonstrations, the congregation often can feel the love and emotion of spirit during a demonstration. This is also party down to the medium’s ability to connect psychically to the congregation during the service.
I would also like to mention spiritual healing. I believe that all spirit communication is healing for the recipient and spirit. It’s a wonderful connection, all mediums are healers, and all healers are mediums on some level. They are channelling energy and love from spirit or the God source to the recipient. Become the hollow bone and allow energy to flow.
As a medium, you are dealing with love and in many cases grief and loss in the form of heavy emotion. If you have developed your psychic abilities the spirit world can use those abilities to defuse heavy emotion allowing communication and spiritual healing to flow without the recipient becoming overwhelmed and upset.
The final point I would like to make is around personal development, it is the responsibility of the medium to be working on their personal development. There is nothing a medium can really do to prepare of a public demonstration as it all happens within the energy of the moment. The preparation comes within personal development, and this includes working on their psychic awareness and connection. A quote taken from the teachings of Gordon Higginson has always resonated with me “Before you can touch the Spirit, you must find it within yourself. For all truth, for all knowledge and all love, must be found first within oneself. And the Spirit can never touch you and bring love and peace within your being and from your being, until you have found it for yourself. And before you can build a picture of love from the Spirit, you must learn to find it in this life.”
It is incredibly important to work on psychic ability to help your attunement with spirit. Attunement is partly about awareness of vibrational frequency, the more aware you can be the better channel you become for the spirit world.
Mediums often find they attract a certain type of spirit communicator, someone similar to them. Just as in life, likeminded people come together. A spirit communicator will connect to a medium who is open to their vibration. The wider spectrum you have as a medium the more spirit communicators will be able to connect.
I genuinely feel that when working with mediumship, connection with the spirit world and attunement is vital. There are areas of personal development which raises awareness of spirit and other frequencies, the medium is able to tap into information and give a clearer message or allow a greater flow of energy.
Written by Richard Stuttle
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