Tag: Healing

  • Healing with Art

    Healing with Art

    I have always found a therapeutic element to painting, each piece of art is a journey through creation and emotion. Beginning with a spark and enthusiasm of an idea, followed by the eagerness to paint and love of creation. The work starts in the paintings detail, a painstaking process of getting each aspect just right, despair arrives when it all goes wrong and the image in the mind is not matched by the result on the canvas. Somehow it all comes together in the finished work and on many occasions the painting is far more magical than the fixed image in your imagination.

    In every painting there are moments of freedom when the thinking mind is switched off and the paint is flowing, time is no longer important, and the journey of self-discovery is all that matters.

    Through the many hours that goes into each painting I have become aware of the moments I am aware of more, a part of me is accessible where wisdom and healing comes from, a greater source of energy that is a deeper aspect of me. This is the point where healing begins.

    It is this starting point for healing that really interested me, it felt like access to a greater part of myself. An authenticity that wasn’t interested in any of the trappings of the conscious mind, or the egotistical outcome of any work of art. It was only concerned about the energy and spontaneity of the moment. This started my journey looking into working with energy and healing, looking at accessing the energetics beyond our five senses. This took me to psychism and mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College and healing at Harry Edwards Foundation. Two world renowned places where I had the opportunity to study under a selection of incredible tutors.

    Working with art and healing

    My work evolved, offering one to one sessions or group workshops where art and creativity allows us to go deeper and realise more about ourselves and our true nature. We have access to so much more! When working with people on mediumistic and energetic levels art is a beautiful way allow the conscious mind to understand what is happening energetically. Colour has meaning and invokes feeling on another level allowing access to the deeper parts of who we really are.


    I have previously written about ‘Auragraphs’ in another post, and I don’t want to cover the same ground. My version of an auragraph is a little different to what Harold Sharp initially created. It is a pictorial interpretation of what is happening and coming up energetically within a client’s field. My role within the process is to hold space and allow the energy to move in a way that is natural for the client and their self-realisation and awareness. The drawing evolves as the session progresses, each drawing is unique, just as each client is unique and on their own journey.

    Soul reading

    The ‘soul reading’ for lack of a better term brings forward more information for the conscious mind. Again, my role is holding space for the client and allowing the energy to move in a receptive way for greater access and understanding. I also work is healing alignment looking at the different aspects of self in this world. I may also become aware of other energies accessible through a mediumistic faculty.

    Workshops and group work

    I really enjoy working with groups and hosting workshops, it’s a way we can all feel connected, supporting each other within a safe working space. Although the workshops have a theme and basic outline, I find that moving with the energy and how the exercises unfold is for the highest good of everyone attending. Each workshop unfolds organically because of everyone participating in a respectful and open way. It is a real privilege.

    Working with art and healing

    These opinions and interpretations are my own, I have developed my own way of working and views on how I feel the work comes forward for me at this time. My evolution is continuing along with my views and ways of working, I know my work will also continue to evolve. As an artist this is what keeps me interested and inspired, I work with likeminded people as I know we can go further as a group than can as an individual. With everyone I have the privilege to work with I always suggest that they tap into their own creativity and though art they have an opportunity for their own personal journey of self-discovery.

    Personal growth and creativity are not a nice to haves or things to fit in if there is time, they are a necessity for life in this world however it manifests for the individual.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • What is mediumship?

    What is mediumship?

    The basic definition of a mediumship is, communication between a living and dead person through a person or medium who has developed the ability to attune to the frequency of a place called the spirit world and an individual soul. Spiritualists believe the spirit world is the place a soul goes after their life on earth.

    Belief in psychic ability is nothing new and widely accepted and picking up information from another person or incarnate souls energy fields. Researchers have been exploring mediumship and communication with the dead or discarnate souls and continue work with mediums and large spiritualist organisations.

    Mediumship gained popularity during the nineteenth century with the birth of modern Spiritualism marked as 31st March 1848 with the Fox sisters in Hydesville, New York. Investigations into mediumship over the decades have exposed many fraudulent mediums although there have been many cases that couldn’t bet be disproved. The area of mediumship is still very much plagued with these accounts today.

    Within the religion of Spiritualism mediumship is delivered as part of each Divine service, which is traditionally a Sunday church service in spiritualist churches around the United Kingdom. On weekdays demonstrations of mediumship and special services take place where other variations on mediumship and communications are delivered like Spirit Art and Flower Readings. Open circles and open platforms are also held with the opportunity for attendees to practice and develop their mediumship and other disciplines like Psychic readings and Psychometry.

    What is the purpose of Mediumship?

    Within the eyes of Spiritualism; the purpose of mediumship is to prove life after death. It is the proof that we are more than just the body, five senses and our consciousness in this lifetime. The statement can be misleading for many people as they think it is communication with loved ones in the spirit world. Which on a fundamental level it is, although it is so much more.

    So, what is really happening when a medium is delivering Mediumship?

    To understand what is happening when delivering mediumship first you have to understand the training and development it takes before starting to develop a mediumistic awareness. These views are based on my observations as a medium and my own personal development.

    Firstly, before any mediumistic development can take place the practitioner must first undergo a realisation within their own personal development, becoming more deeply aware of themselves, what is happening within themselves and the energy fields surrounding them. From this point the practitioner learns to attune with different frequency ranges that surround us but are out of the range of our five senses. Over time they learn to differentiate between what’s them and what isn’t them, this evolves into the ability to move the restrictive aspects of their consciousness out of the way to allow speaking and communication within the flow of energy and in the moment. In essence this is what all inspired speaking and mediumship actually is, be it different energy streams. Of course, this is a very simplified explanation and any form of attunement to different frequencies and psychic ability takes years of practice and dedication.

    During a demonstration the medium is working to raise the vibration of the room and congregation to allow access to other frequencies. The medium’s role is to hold space and allow a certain frequency to come into their awareness. From the perspective of Spiritualism this would be the energy (soul) from a lifetime on this world relating to a member of the congregation.

    The medium brings forward information about the individual drawing both on a mediumistic level as well as a physic level from the recipient (person in the congregation). This is the confirmation that life is more than just this world, our energy lives on after this lifetime. This knowledge is considered proof of life after death. As how could a person know information about a person (deceased loved one) they have never met and describe situations they were never privy to relating to someone present in the congregation.

    Speaking in the flow of energy. Speaking spontaneously in the moment with minimal subconscious or unconscious bias. The only purpose of the conscious mind in this case is to deliver words in terminology that people understand, within Spiritualism it’s the terms of mediumship and the energy of loved ones in the spirit world.

    It’s all about healing

    The medium’s role to facilitate across multiple areas of our being. There is an opportunity within a Divine Service to build the group energy to bring forward information verbally while controlling the flow of energy for healing and self-awareness of people in the congregation.

    Mental healing – security comes with the knowledge that our loved ones are looking down on us from the next life. Comfort comes from us the knowledge that we live on past this existence. Energy can never be destroyed it just changes form.

    Emotional healing – the feeling of our loved one’s energy, forgiveness and allowing the emotional grieving process to be understood and acknowledged. Stepping more into the present moment allowing peoples energy fields to recognise and release emotional trauma.

    Physical healing – feeling the energy around us, bringing the unseen into the physical world. Releasing blockages within our energy fields can help to release physical aches and pains. This also brings to the physical self a greater understanding of the energy that we are.

    Spiritual healing – accessing the greater aspects of self and feeling the connected. The nature of us to the universe and universal consciousness. Also, our connection to mother earth and natures laws.

    Finding alignment

    Far more is happening that relates not just to mediumship but to any spiritual practice or inspired or enlightened state of awareness in any field or industry. For sports people it’s called the flow state, for artists and writers it’s called inspiration, for actors its embodiment of the character. The practitioner may also become aware of the frequency of omnipresence and alignment with their greater self, they feel the energy within their body and have the ability to step into the energy and healing of now. It is from this point where everyone has access to the greater presence of themselves and their connection to everything and everyone in and beyond our physical and conscious reality.

    Mediums and spiritual teachers have developed their knowledge and awareness to a point where they have worked to develop their abilities to hold space and become aware of the energetics around them. There work is to hold space for people/students in order for them to become aware of their greater self, remove conditioning to open to our natural abilities.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • Alignment is only the starting point

    Alignment is only the starting point

    There are many groups, practices and practitioners working today, all teaching different modalities of wellness and wellbeing. Everything from Body Somatic, Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing to Qigong and many different forms of Yoga and breathwork practices which revolve around bringing different aspects of your being into alignment, activating greater parts of yourself and working on personal attunement. All practices and modalities have a truth within them, when you find a practice or teaching you resonate with the most important aspect is to feel into the authenticity in which the teacher and group operates. Find what is right for you.

    For many teachings and practices finding a state of alignment is the goal. This can sometimes be confusing to students. The goal of the practice is to find alignment, but a common misunderstanding by students is that they think the practice is to invoke a state of serenity in everything they do, approaching life with an outlook of zen and calm. Alignment to me is something different and doesn’t necessarily mean serenity or calmness. For me it is simply a state where we have access to greater aspects of who we really are and a deeper understanding of our true nature, capability and importantly capacity.

    The part of development which is not often realised

    I would suggest that alignment this is just the starting point for accessing our own authenticity and self-healing to recognise these emotional reactions within our energy field that we may have previously thought of as us. It is not what’s happening externally, it is what the external world triggers internally within us. With alignment or any self-development or spiritual advancement work we start to become aware of paradigms of thought that no longer serves us or old trauma that comes back into our consciousness. This work is difficult, challenging and can often open dark spaces where we don’t want to go. This is the work; these are the places we need to explore when finding our own purity and authenticity.

    We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Do not become confused by our human reaction to life’s challenges.

    Finding your own space

    The majority of these healing and balancing practices revolve around bringing together the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our humanness.During the sessions a state of alignment, inner calm and serenity is entirely possible and if working with an authentic teacher and group then easily reached. Where it falls is when students return to their daily lives and struggles and feel they need to live in a state of inner calm, they then become frustrated when they are not able to maintain the awareness and alignment without the support of the teacher and group.

    A slightly different mindset is needed, the point of the teachings and sessions are not to produce a state of calm to walk through the rest of our lives. They are to produce a state of authenticity we can recognise as us. This is the reference point for living daily life, the practice and alignment allows us to feel what is us, so we are then aware what isn’t us. We are able to recognise paradigms we live in which we previously maybe thought was us.

    When we work on alignment and healing it is also important to learn how to hold space for ourselves and others, experience what comes up and hold space for the point of authenticity within us. Holding space for others and allowing them to find that point within them.

    After alignment – working with a practitioner or group

    Students returning to the world following a course, retreat or workshop will be resonating on a different frequency, they have expanded their bandwidth. I hear,“Nothing has changed but everything is different.” They have become aware of other energies that are operating in our world. They are also more aware of how people are plugging into their energy fields through certain emotions. In some cases, students have set up supportive unconscious boundaries within their energy field so people can’t plug in as they used to, this can cause frustration and may manifest in emotional behaviour from people around the students. This is why holding space is so important.

    Another point that is important to note is that certain people will now be attracted to the new frequency within their energy field, this can be both positive and negative. A lot of people who resonate on similar frequencies will come together to work together and for greater healing and development, but also people who want to take energy or plug into their energy field in an unhealthy way (Be aware that many people who you feel might be negative or have drain energy are not aware of what they are doing).

    It is important to know how to take the teachings and practices you learn from others and find how they work for you as an individual. There is an element of truth in all practices and if you feel drawn to a certain teacher or practice then there is something that connects at that specific time on your journey. The next step is to find the authenticity within the teachings for yourself and allow the rest to leave. This simple point will allow you as an individual to be able to fully understand what you are doing and how it works for you, giving you deeper understanding and greater capacity. This also removes any reliance on a teacher or specific modality that has been developed by others.

    Our greater responsibility

    Alignment with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being is just the beginning. You stand in your own space with greater awareness of yourself which allows for a deeper experience and ultimately deeper healing. We have a greater responsibility in today’s world, it is our role to take personal responsibility not just for our actions but also for our energy and every part of our being. We are conduits to process energy, hold space for ourselves and others in a way that they can raise to match our vibration. Become the lighthouse and signpost for others.

    Holding firm within your own authenticity to allow others to find a key within your energy field to gain deeper access to their own.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • Intuitive Healing with Colour

    Intuitive Healing with Colour

    We may not consider ourselves artists or creative people, but everyone has a relationship and understanding of colour. Our everyday life is full of choices which have an underpinning influence of colour and feeling whether we are conscious of it or not. Colour is within everything; from what clothes we choose to wear each day to the colour of the foods we eat and environments we choose to work and live.

    Within healing colour plays an important role, we only need to look at the chakras or colours around the auric field. Colour is given meaning or an easily understood method of understanding feeling. We also know that certain colours have different collective meanings, in nature, yellow and black as a combination highlights caution or red to signify danger. Bright colours of flowers to attract bugs and insects for pollination. We have adopted these meaning within the consciousness of society. Red when driving signifies danger and means stop, green means go as with nature green signifies growth. As within nature we have multiple meanings for the same colour depending on the moment. A deep red rose is inviting insects to come closer, similarly when we think of the red rose we think of love. We wonderfully link colour to different emotional or energetic states, when we interpret this it goes both ways, not only to warn or attract but also to raise awareness and become more present of the moment.

    To open awareness to your relationship with colour is to unlock a tool for communicating with your intuition and deeper aspects of who we are. We digest colour in so many different ways, through our visual relationship with colour we can draw attention to our conscious mind of other important parts of us that may wish to be heard.

    Intuitive healing alignment

    We can use colour in a direct way, for this healing alignment you will need paper, pencil and box of pastels or coloured pencils.

    On a sheet of paper draw eight circles in two rows of four. The bottom row relates to your conscious mind and top row your intuitive self.

    Each circle along each row represents a different aspect of your being in simple terms.

    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Mental
    • Spiritual

    To begin. Relax your body, take a breath and bring as much of yourself into the present moment as possible. Feel your body and become aware of your surroundings. With your eyes open and with your conscious mind choose a colour for each circle. Start with your physical self. Choose colours for your emotional, mental and spiritual selves. As you colour each circle try to feel the colour and the meaning behind why you chose that particular colour.

    Take a moment to reflect. The bottom row represents how your conscious mind perceives you and the space you are in currently. How do you feel?

    Come back to the centre of you. Gently connect with the first circle, the physical aspect of you. With your eyes closed ask your intuitive self to choose a colour. Scan your hand over your box of pastels/pencils and pick up a colour. Add to the circle in the top row above the colour you chose for your physical self.

    Take a moment to feel the colour, what comes up? The colour relates to what your intuitive self feels you need in this moment.

    Continue the exercise connecting with each aspect of you and choosing a colour without looking. With each colour feel what it may mean for you at this time.

    When you have filled all circles take a moment to reflect, are the colours from top and bottom row similar? What is the top row telling you that you may need at this time?


    • Deepen the connection with your intuition.
    • Listening and becoming aware of the needs of other parts of yourself.
    • Greater understanding of the role colour plays in your life.

    In conclusion

    It is interesting to consider how aware we are to our needs within conscious thought and how or if it differs to our intuitive self. Repeating exercises like this is a great way we can be more aware on a daily basis to our overall needs and greater aspects of self.

    Next time you choose a top to wear, have a thought as to what the colour means for your day ahead. Next time to feel like a certain food or get drawn to the red apples instead of green, ask yourself what is your intuitive self pointing out to you that you might need in this moment.

    Written by Richard Stuttle

  • The Healing Process through Creativity

    The Healing Process through Creativity

    I have always had a love for painting, my father, a professional artist, encouraged me to draw and paint since I was a child. I love the arts and how different artists see the world. Through art, the imagination knows no bounds.

    Before the pandemic, I was introduced to Hester Ligtvoet, we had briefly met a year or so earlier at the Arthur Findlay College. She is a professional pianist, healer, and energy coach. We were interested in how art and music can be combined with spiritual and energy healing. Working together on a weekly basis, Hester played the piano while I produced charcoal or pastel drawings. We worked with energy and the spirit world to create something focused, healing and unique.

    We developed a healing session which brough together a music meditation along with a piece of art. An interesting concept, with weekly development we found that we were perfectly in tune with each other. My hand moving around the paper, perfectly in time with Hester’s inspired notes. We both felt we were led by the spirit world for the good of the individual or intension of our focus. We had both done a lot of development over the years but still were completely shocked how our energy came together and it felt very natural.

    I had not wanted to paint or draw since I got ill, I think it was due to the abscess developing on the righthand side of my brain which fed my creativity, and I was left-handed. I hoped I just had to wait. Nearly two months after I was first admitted to hospital I went down to the studio and picked up my paint brushes. I did it with the same intent as I had with Hester, only now the focus was my own healing. Physically, the reduction of the abscess. Mentally, to retrain my focus and my memory. Energetically, to build my energy, realign my chakras and repair my energy fields.

    I found it an incredibly interesting process, there was no timeframe and I allowed myself to drift. Each colour and brush stoke was making a different. I tried not to pull anything from my imagination but to go deeper than that. At times I felt like a mechanic covered in oil repairing a huge machine, other times floating and blowing clouds to create various formations and symbols. The art as it had done for many years allowed me to look deeper into the subject matter, I had been a traditional artist in many ways, landscapes, and portraits. Each painting had a purpose, to capture the view or the person in front of me. Of course, all art reflects the artist, but this time there was no subject matter in front of me, my healing was the purpose, and I was the reflection.

    For people looking to art to find out more about the healing process I can wholeheartedly say that for me I believe it’s made a difference. Art has always been my creative outlet, allowing me to process my own thoughts. It feels comfortable to draw and to paint without expectation (what I mean by this is to remove all notions of this must be good or thoughts, I am rubbish, a child could do better.) For healing, it is not the final product, but the colours and brush strokes along the way. The act of painting or wherever you choose to engage with your creativity is where the biggest differences can be made. Where the greatest self-healing can take place.

    Positive Energy & the Power of Thought

    I have always considered myself an optimist, even if it’s just a sprinkling on top of a lifetime of societies negative conditioning. I do try to see the learning opportunity and best possible outcome in most situations.

    As I have gotten older, I have learnt more about the power of thought. There is a whole science behind it, like attracts like and the power of visualisation and will. I have experience of how this has worked for me. In my book Chasing Rainbows – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle, I talk about living and working in the mountains and meeting likeminded people who have all naturally gravitated together. The same when I was backpacking around Australia, I met people who had the same enthusiasm for travel and who shared the same lust for life. Where it gets interesting is, for example, out of ten people I met, there would be six who shared multiple interests and similar mindsets. Out of those six, maybe two would share a stronger connection.

    At first, I didn’t know why or how this manifested, but through years of learning about energy I could feel the levels of connection, shared vibrations in body, mind and soul. These connections are real, only through experience can we understand how we are affected by people, places and situations.

    I am using this understanding to help my healing, my body although healed from a medical point of view I feel incredibly sensitive on every other level. I experience everything on a far deeper level, this manifests physically as every sensation or pain has meaning.

    Written by Richard Stuttle