“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Taken from one of my favourite books, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This simple quote and realisation opens the idea to opportunity and the possibility that anything is possible. It also offers a huge confidence boost in self-belief, safe in the knowledge that the universe is on your side.
Can the universe conspire to help us? From a scientific viewpoint, everything in existence is energy. We are all made from the same thing and are interconnected through a fabric of vibrating particles. This shared energy creates a natural flow and resonance between thoughts, intentions and outcomes. The energy we project through our thoughts and actions influences the energy around us, creating a ripple effect like a stone thrown into still water, these ripples flow out and help to shape our reality.

How can this happen for me?
Firstly, we should understand the huge power we have by simply setting an intent. A positive and definable action. Imagine you are throwing a rock in a still pool of water. The splash is what you want, and the ripples are the resonance of your words telling the universe. Widen your perspective, think about your splash on a grand scale and imagine your words rippling out into the energy into the universe. Those vibrations come back reflecting your dreams and desires back to you.
Be careful of what you ask for, whatever you say, the universe will reply, ‘Right, is that what you want, let’s see if we can help.’ Be aware and listen for the universe’s reply. Subtle clues to reassure you and keep you heading in the direction of your goal.
- Firstly, asking for what you want from a space of personal alignment.
- Secondly, becoming more aware of opportunities that cross your pathway.
- Thirdly, positive action towards your desires, reaffirm what you want.
We are all energy, swimming in an ocean of energy, in a universe of energy. The laws of attraction, like attracts like, people with the same interests and desires naturally gravitate together finding the same frequency. If we can direct our energy, we can attract what we want into reality, one positive step at a time towards our goals.

Positive energy
Belief and positive energy are transformative forces. Know that the universe is working in your favour, create a mindset where you can start to become aware of limiting beliefs and remove them. These often manifest in the form of – you are not enough, or you don’t deserve this, or you are just waiting for things to go wrong. The universe responds to what you project, positive thoughts lead to positive reactions, but no one can be positive all the time it’s just not realistic. So, what is the key?
Be natural and be yourself, set the intension and move into a space of allowing the ripples on the pond to flow through you. Be open and don’t hold on to any thoughts or feelings, allow them to pass though you and be guided by your natural self, feeling goes so much deeper and is the tool to navigate the returning ripples on the pond. Your body and natural self are far more attuned to the feedback of the universe than your conscious mind is, listen to your body and intuition. Know that every vibration in the universe supports your journey and allow whatever comes up within you to flow freely, positive thoughts come and go the same as negative thoughts. Remember the feeling of your desires and dreams and work to follow the feeling. Be who you are, speak and react to your truth and the universe will work with you every step of the way.
Written by Richard Stuttle