Whatever philosophy you choose to follow or whatever industry you work in, operate from a place of authenticity. It is very easy to say and seems an obvious statement but it’s something that I don’t feel is always followed, there are many carbon copies or clones who regurgitate the words, quotes or philosophies of others. This becomes even more evident within spiritual communities or people working with energy and healing. Due to the nature of the work, the levels of sensitivity to energy makes people more aware of who are more authentic practitioners, the unauthentic or fraudulent stick out and are revealed quickly.
Learning from others
We all need a teacher or guide, part of our journey through life is learning and education, as humans we pick up new ideas with incredible skill and speed. From our early years, learning to walk, talk and communicate to our later years where we refer to learning as upskilling or personal development. Everyone can teach us something, the more we are able to interact with people the more we learn, interaction is key.
When looking at body somatic, energy work, mediumship and healing there are some wonderful tutors in the world. Some incredible people who share selflessly their knowledge and insight. A tutor once said to me, “I want my students to be better than me.” A humble statement and I am sure many tutors learn just as much from their students as they share. Some of the best I have found hold space for their students and work alongside them as part of the course or workshop rather than preaching from a lectern, although of course both methods have their place in teaching.

Choices and directions
Like with everything in life it’s important to feel what resonates within you. The mind is easily convinced, opinions can change and priorities shift depending on circumstance. We make decisions considering many different factors, family, career, friends and what’s happening in the world around us. It is how we are taught to make decisions, logical thinking and making considered choices. Move forward, be goal orientated, find a pathway that keeps people within our life happy and importantly safe and secure. This is an admirable way to live.
Working with energy, healing or any spiritual modalities can be incredibly different. The resonance throughout our being is the most important factor and should be held above all else. Of course, this is not easy and shouldn’t be detrimental to other aspects of your life but and there is a but! Through finding your authenticity and what resonates within you makes you aware of what no longer aligns to the frequency in which you live. The work is to remove things that no longer align to create bandwidth for new things to enter into your life. The pathway is not goal setting to a fixed destination but removing obstacles so new ideas, people and opportunities can cross your path.
Take what you learn along the way, ask questions and find what resonates with yourself. Whatever you choose to do with your time finding your own way of doing it is important, taking knowledge and training from others filtered and interpreted through your own uniqueness can change the way you operate and frequency which you resonate.
Contemporaries and likeminded souls
Doors are opening and new people entering into your life. We can all recognise times within our life when everything has been going well. It feels like we are stepping forward on solid foundations, this feeling doesn’t always last, it’s not something that feels tangible but we know from experience that the more we relinquish judgement with our conscious mind we enter into what is known as ‘flow’, this is where we are resonating on a higher frequency and we find other high frequency beings who are also resonating in the same state. Like attracts like! We find ourselves no longer concerned with what could happen or even what has happened but become active within the moment focusing on what we are doing.

How to become a more authentic practitioner
How does this relate to authenticity and work? It is no longer about understanding or knowing the facts and figures. Authenticity comes with deeper feeling and wisdom, when you have understood something not only on a mental level but when the feeling of something comes in a physical form, it’s a feeling of energy throughout the body system. There is a difference when you speak from memory and when you speak from the energy within the moment. They are very different areas of access.
Language and memory are learnt information which gives the authentic practitioner tools to work with and the ability to speak to people in terminology they will understand. Speaking from the energy of the moment will add an energetic value and update to the words allowing a rise in vibrational resonation and unity within the frequency.
It is an incredibly simple concept; you always have everything you need and speak spontaneously without bias. It is also incredibly challenging as it goes against everything we are taught. Our conscious mind likes a plan and to follow a script, its comfortable. To get on a stage or stand up in front of a group with nothing is daunting but remember you don’t have nothing you have everything without restriction. It is about trust and knowing you have done the work.
Authenticity is not just with the work, it’s not something you can switch on and off. We are at a point in our history where change is driven by our energetic signal that is always resonating whether we are working, relaxing or sleeping. This is the point of change to define a positive future.
The conscious confirmation. It is so simple to just be ourselves. How do we know we have done a good job? Confirmation comes after the fact, this is a very different way of working, it is not how we have been taught in the educational system or the business world. Everything must be quantifiable in order to have value. Work within the moment knowing you are always giving what is needed, confirmation for the conscious mind comes in the realisation of change what comes to pass in the people you are working with.
Where do we go from here?
For the conscious mind it may feel like a leap of faith, but somehow it just feels right. Find what resonates and make it your own, live it, practice it and teach it to others in your own unique way. This shift in belief allows you to access a greater part of your being, changing the physical world around you and how you interact with people, putting you on a different frequency with others who have made the same decisions. It can not only change your world but also the consciousness of society. Living and making decisions only with the conscious mind will not fully connect us with all the parts of our humanness.
Life now opens to limitless potential. When we are able to find the space of authenticity within us, we access information from our greater self, we do not recite the work of others or follow teachings we don’t fully understand. We create space with others bringing forward more opportunity and holding space to find more of our authenticity. For me authenticity is not about operating from the conscious self or logical mind is resonating from the feeling of our being, the highest feeling which is pure love. When we find the pure love setting within ourselves, we move to a space without judgement, simple holding space and experiencing the endless beauty of what is.
Written by Richard Stuttle