Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs was created by Abraham Maslow in 1954, even with an acceleration of awareness, advancement in psychology and increased technology. These are still at the very core of our needs as humans. After looking at each level of elevation I feel they fit with our body’s chakras and energy centres.
Understanding these will help us to navigate life’s challenges, manage how we react to situations of wellbeing and adversity.
Physiological – We have basic human needs. As our evolution has proved, we don’t generally live in harmony with the other living organisms on the planet. We do not fill our basic needs for survival without creating secure spaces to live. Having a regular supply of food and drink. We need to feel like we are safe and have a secure flow of food and water available.
Safety – Due to consciousness we need more than just no risk of danger to feel safe. Safety also covers security; we need to feel safe not just from the elements and other animal species on the planet. We also need to feel safe from our own species. Our safety extends beyond just our own personal safety but to that of the people close to us and our belongings.
Social – We need to feel accepted, again due to our level of self-awareness and understanding we have a need for friendship. This is partly due to our conscious mind not really understanding why we are here. Communication is a basic human need. Friendship and acceptance offer security in knowing we are not alone in our journey and reassurance confidence that communication leads to development of self.
Ego – As we develop skills and our knowledge base grows, we need to establish our place within our hierarchy of structure at home and within society. This is where the ego comes in, we value our worth of learning and time we have spent on certain aspects of development. Everyone sometimes needs a pat on the back to say they have done well.
Self-actualisation – Feeling a level of security within the lower aspects of the pyramid allows us the security, confidence, and focus. We then have an opportunity to look at how we can grow, improve, and evolve. Only when the other needs are considered and mostly taken care of do with have the freedom of thinking without distraction to focus on personal growth and self-realisation.

Many philosophies symbolically have ladders to climb or ways to find enlightenment through elevation. The 7 chakras are offer a good understanding of our body’s reaction to situations, our decision-making centres and how we can function in this world. The number seven features strongly in many aspects of life and development. Our chakras relate to each part of the pyramid. When we reach the top of the pyramid, we can look objectively at our life, reactions, and decision-making centres.
Our lower chakras function on the animal aspects of self (the lover this sections of the pyramid) when it comes to the heart chakra, we are looking at self-esteem as well as friendship groups. The throat chakra is communication where we can discuss with others and find our place in the world. Communication is also very linked with our development enabling the teach learn, learn teach philosophy.
This is when we can access our higher chakras. Start to ask the bigger questions, accessing other parts of ourselves (higher self, spirit, source connection or soul). Its where real learning and understanding comes from. At this point the chakras then are accessed in reverse. Taking the newly learnt higher knowledge and relating the information on more of a physical and grounded level. Once this is understood when we have elevated our whole understanding to a higher level.
Written by Richard Stuttle