Marketing your hospitality

Marketing your hospitality
24th October 2017 Richard Stuttle

Stage 2 – Marketing your hospitality

Once you have reviewed your online presence and removed anything which could be detrimental to your business, the next stage is to start marketing your business. Make sure your business is telling the right story online. Images are a huge part of marketing your business – many sites now favour photography over text, and customers will have a tendency to look at images before reading the content.


Review and update your copy

Create a master document outlining basic information about each part of your business. This structure and text can be used to create content for updating most online profiles. This is a good opportunity to define the tone of voice of your business, showcase its USP’s and tell a story to your potential customers.

The process below should give you some insights into your business – think objectively about the following questions and start writing each section of content.

The customer thought process

  • What do they offer?
  • Why should I book?
  • How much will it cost?

Master text structure

  • Introduction – an overview of your business. What are your USP’s?
  • About Us – what inspired you to open your business and what is your passion?
  • Services – what do you offer your customers?
  • Food – what meals do you serve and where do you source your produce?
  • Accommodation – what style are your rooms and which facilities do they have?
  • Contact Details – how do customers book or get in touch?


When people are making a booking to stay, eat or visit anywhere, they want pictures – the more, the better. Great photography can mean the difference between someone booking your business or scrolling down to the next property or business.

A good strategy for photography is to take images following the same format as your copy, showcasing each aspect of your business. We recommend a selection of wide angle images and close up shots, with pictures relating to each of the following sections:

  • Introduction – external shots and communal areas
  • About Us – pictures of you and your team
  • Services – images of areas where people eat, relax and enjoy your services
  • Food – pictures of food, dishes and kitchen team plating food
  • Accommodation – images of your rooms, beds, bathrooms and extras
  • Contact Details – profile pictures for main contacts / key members of staff

By completing these two steps, you will have achieved a strong starting point for taking your online presence to the next level. A consistent profile across all platforms ensures that wherever people find your business, you are showcasing your services in the best possible light.


Content – start with asking yourself “why?”. People looking at your business like to read about your passion and enthusiasm, and they want to know what inspired you to start your business.

Photography – when photographing your communal areas it’s a good idea to include people relating to your target market (family friendly or couples). When photographing rooms make sure you have great shots of the bathrooms and no people in the images (no customer wants to think of anyone else staying in a hotel room).


Design – A price guide for, daily consultancy, design and rebrand, complete website development. Please contact me for a personalised quote.

Paint – All artwork are individually priced on my site or partner sites. All commissioned works are priced on request.

Tuition – Painting workshops and courses are priced per event. Personal tuition is available on request.