Events, Workshops & Retreats

Teaching from a Different Perspective

Events, Workshops and Retreats

Spiritual Art, Mediumship, Energy & Healing

“Through exploring the deeper meaning behind what we feel and the energy around us, we can gain a greater understanding of our true potential.”

  • Attunement & personal alignment
  • Psychism & mediumship
  • Spirit art – faces of loved ones past
  • Healing & energy management
  • Public speaking & confidence



Demonstrations of Spirit Art and Mediumship organised through the Spiritualists National Union and other independent organisations. Workshops and Retreats on Art, Creativity, Mediumship and Deeper Healing. Church Divine Services and Spirit Art Specials. All information will also be posted on social media. Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you.


Spirit Art & Mediumship Demonstration

  • 19th September 2024

An evening of spirit art, mediumship and healing.
Richard brings forward faces and information from loved ones in the spirit world in a demonstration of mediumship. Holding space and healing for all who attend to bring the evening to a close.

Please contact the church for tickets and booking.

Fir Trees Spiritualist Church, Spaldington, Goole DN14 7ND


Healing & Creativity

  • 21st September 2024 | 10am – 4pm

Deepen your connection to healing energies through art and creativity.

What is the future of healing in today’s world? This workshop will discuss the nature of healing and how it can be used in the modern world. Practical exercises with art will help you to recognise your own healing potential and connection with spirit.

We will explore personal wellbeing and how art and creativity can expand our awareness, helping us to release patterns from the past and recognise our own self-healing ability. This workshop will take you on a journey through energy management, holding space for yourself and your clients, natural connection, and self-healing.

  • Art and creative healing
  • Hands on, distant healing and Harry Edwards healing
  • Healing from nature and mother earth
  • Activating your own self-healing

Please contact Morley Spiritualist Church for bookings. Art supplies and handouts will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own pastels, coloured pencils, and sketch pads.



Drawing Two Worlds Together – Spirit Art & Mediumship Demonstration

Richard Stuttle & Penny Hayward

9th October 2024 at 7pm

An evening of spirit art, mediumship and healing.
Richard and Penny bring forward faces and information from loved ones in the spirit world in a demonstration of mediumship. Followed by, working with the healing energy of the room to create art and inspired philosophy bringing the evening to a close.

Catherine Street Spiritualist Church, Catherine Street, Doncaster, DN1 3PS. Please contact Nicola 07737474482 for booking enquiries


Spirit art & Mediumship Demonstration

Drawing closer to the spirit world. An evening demonstration of spirit art, mediumship, philosophy and healing with Richard Stuttle and Penny Hayward.

  • 7pm start | 10th October 2024
  • £12 per ticket (only 30 tickets available)

Richard and Penny work together to bring forward messages from loved ones in spirit, portraits, inspired art and philosophy to create a special evening of love and healing from the spirit world.

For more information and booking please contact Vince on 07952 843 398 or email

The York Group of Spiritualists.
Held at The Old School, Mill Lane in Wigginton, York YO32 2PU


Turkey & Tinsel Mediumship Week

  • Organised by Minister Val Williams at the Savoy Hotel Blackpool

  • 4th – 8th November 2024

This will be a very interactive, confidence building week during which you will have many opportunities to practice publicly and privately.

International Tutors

  • Kim Moore-Cullen DSHT Experiment’s with Trance, EVP, Pyramid, Aura Camera
  • Debra Chalmers CSNU – Mediumship all levels
  • Richard Stuttle CSNU – Spirit Artist and Harry Edwards Healer

Private sittings and spiritual assessments will be available with the tutors.

The Savoy Hotel, Queen’s Promenade, Blackpool FY2 9SJ. For bookings, please contact Val Williams


Spirit Art & Mediumship Demonstration

A demonstration of Spirit Art and Mediumship with Penny Hayward DSNU and Richard Stuttle CSNU 

  • 15th November 2024
  • 7pm start

An evening of spirit art, mediumship and healing.

Richard brings forward faces from loved ones in the spirit world and Penny brings the evidential mediumship. The evening finishes with a healing philosophy from Penny while Richard draws for the group energy.

Please contact the church for tickets and booking.

Victorian Spiritualists’ Union
135-137 Boundary Rd, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia



Unlock your creativity and connect to spirit

  • 16th November 2024
  • 10:30am – 5pm

Working with spirit is a great privilege. The spirit world works with us in many different ways, utilising our skills and sensitivity to impart important messages to loved ones on the earth plane. Using art and colour, we can add new skills to help connect, communicate, and refine our attunement with the spirit world.

The meaning of colour – deepen your understanding of colour. What colours means to you within the moment and your connection with spirit.

Spirit art and mediumship – portraits of loved ones in spirit. Bring forward evidence from a spirit communicator and a message for your recipient.

You don’t have to be an artist to benefit from this workshop. Art materials will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own pastels or coloured pencils and a sketch pad.

This workshop is for mixed ability students. Whether you are just starting on your spiritual unfoldment, or you are a working medium and would like to introduce art and creativity to your spiritual work.

Please contact the church to book your place. Victorian Spiritualists’ Union 135-137 Boundary Rd, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia



Faces from the Spirit World

A demonstration of Spirit Art and Mediumship with Penny Hayward DSNU and Richard Stuttle CSNU 

  • Friday 22nd November 2024
  • 7:30pm to 9pm | $40 per ticket

“Join us for an evening of art and mediumship as we bring together two worlds with love and healing.”

Richard and Penny work together to bring forward messages from loved ones who have passed to spirit.

St Johns Spiritual Church, 271 Carrington St, Adelaide. Australia

For bookings please visit the events page on our website

Demonstration of spirit art and mediumship in Adelaide, Australia


Spirit Art, Mediumship & Healing

  • Saturday 23rd November 2024
  • 10:30am to 4:30pm | $155 per person
  • Mixed level ability

Firstly, you don’t have to be an artist!

Let your creativity flow, bring art into your mediumship, private readings, and healing. Develop your drawing ability and understand the meaning behind colour. This workshop will help deepen your connection to spirit world and strengthen your mediumship with art and colour.

  • Spirit art and colour
  • Mediumship and private readings
  • Healing with art

Working with the spirit world is a great privilege. The spirit world works with us in many different ways, utilising our skills and sensitivity to impart important messages and healing to loved ones in the physical world.

Materials will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own pastels or coloured pencils and paper or sketch pad. Workshop includes – Colour meditation, tutorial and demonstrations, partner/group practice sessions and Q&A.

St Johns Spiritual Church, 271 Carrington St, Adelaide. Australia. For bookings please email



Looking forward to 2025. Demonstrations of Spirit Art and Mediumship. Workshops in the UK and abroad, both online and in person. Retreats and weekend courses.


Online Workshops

  • £45.00

    Spirit Art, Mediumship & Healing | 22nd Feb 2025

    • 4-hour workshop on Zoom
    • 22nd February 2025
    • 2pm - 6pm UK time
    • Intermediate level students
    Unlock your creativity and connect to spirit. The spirit world works with us in many different ways, utilising our skills and sensitivity to impart important messages to loved ones on the earth plane. Using art and colour, we can add new skills to help connect, communicate, and refine our attunement with the spirit world.
  • £45.00

    Auragraphs & Psychic Art | 24th May 2025

    • 4-hour workshop on Zoom
    • 22nd February 2025
    • 2pm – 6pm UK time
    • Mixed level students
    Explore the meaning behind colour and symbolism. Release your creativity in your private readings and inspired art. Use art and colour to develop a deeper connection with yourself and your work. Develop your drawing ability and understanding of colour to bring forward more information when working in the energy of your connections. 
  • £45.00

    Healing, Inspired Art & Creativity | 14th June 2025

    • 4-hour workshop on Zoom
    • 14th June 2025
    • 2pm – 6pm UK time
    • Mixed level ability
    Understanding energy and alignment with love and healing. This workshop is developed around healing, self healing and holding space for yourself and the people around you. Through art and creativity we can raise our awareness to our own alignment, attunement and self healing ability. We can use colour to highlight energetic blockages within the energy fields of others and create a closer connection to mother nature.
  • £45.00

    Faces from Spirit & the Mediumistic Connection | 6th September 2025

    • 4-hour workshop on Zoom
    • 14th June 2025
    • 2pm – 6pm UK time
    • Advanced level
    Working with spirit is a great privilege. The spirit world works with us through mediumship, healing and importantly our creativity. This workshop is to further develop our artistic skills and sensitivity to bring more meaningful and impactful messages from the spirit world. Using art and colour, we can add new skills to help connect, communicate, and refine our attunement with the spirit world.


The Healing Retreat

Mastering deeper healing through creativity & energetic alignment.

  • Nosara, Costa Rica
  • 4th – 11th October 2025

Join Brea Segger & Richard Stuttle for 7 days where ocean meets jungle in the paradise of Nosara, Costa Rica.

Amongst stunning ocean views, nature and nourishing food, we will explore the depths of your ‘knowing’. You will be guided to deep dive into your own personal transformation and explore the depths of your intuition, energy and healing through emotional, physical, mental & spiritual re-alignment.


Creativity, Spirit Art, Mediumship & Healing

A transformative week of interactive workshops. Teachings from United Kingdom looking at Spirit Art, Mediumship, Psychic Readings, Inspired and Healing Art. Followed by a public demonstration of Spirit Art and Mediumship.

A series of workshops designed to take you on a journey to enhance your mediumship and build a stronger connection to self and spirit.

“Expand your creative consciousness and add to your spiritual toolbox.”

You don’t have to be an artist to benefit from these workshops. All workshops are for mixed ability students. Whether you are just starting on your spiritual unfoldment, or you are a working medium and would like to introduce art and creativity to your spiritual work.

Workshops & Demonstration

Workshops in the Assembly Hall

Day 1 | 29th July 2025

Inspired Art & Healing

This workshop is designed to take you on a journey through your own creativity, accessing healing and holding space for yourself and others while working within a group energy.

  • Understanding colour | Creative you | Self and client healing

Day 2 | 30th July 2025

Psychic Art & Spirit Guides

This workshop is designed to develop your artistic side and creative connection to your clients and the spirit world. Using art and colour, we can add new skills to help connect, communicate, and refine our attunement with the spirit world and our clients.

  • Private readings | Spirit within art | Healing with art

Day 3 | 31st July 2025

Faces from the Spirit World

Unlock your creativity. This workshop has been created to focus on spirit art and portraits of loved ones in spirit. Developing artwork to bring healing and love from the spirit world.

  • Drawing a portrait | Portrait art | Mediumship

Day 4 | 1st August 2025

Drawing Two Worlds Together

This workshop is designed to further develop portrait drawing techniques and emotional evidence from a spirit communicator. Working in the flow state to bring forward portrait art, landscapes scenes and meaningful moments from a spirit communicators life on earth.

  • Emotions of colour | Spirit art | Mediumship

Evening Demonstration – Auditorium

2nd August 2025

Spirit Art & Mediumship Public Demonstration

During this event, Spirit Artist and platform Mediums Richard Stuttle and Penny Hayward will bring through messages from loved ones in Spirit. Richard will draw faces of loved ones and both Richard and Penny will bring forward evidence from the spirit world.

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