The road to recovery can sometimes be longer than you think. It can be frustrating, especially when an injury cannot be seen, but only felt or experienced. It is down to the individual to interpret what’s happening physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Issues with mental health and personal happiness can often be overlooked by others and health care professionals.
Contemplation of death or more importantly contemplation of life. Following an extremely close call with Bacterial Meningitis I am incredibly lucky to be alive.
At the age of forty-four I now understand three things that I really wish I had understood at the beginning. If I was told that it was my choice to be born and my responsibly extended far beyond my behaviour and my family, I might have been able to fully grasp the consequences of my actions and life choices. Not that I regret anything in my life, but I may have chosen to do things with more focus, love, and precision.
You get one body – respect it and look after it
You are here to learn – embrace every experience in front of you
Humanity needs you – work for the good of society and our planet
For others, they consider the physical condition. I look well, I’m moving about and can hold a conversation. I must be back to the person I was before my illness. Friends and family speak to me as if I was the same person as before my experience. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I have certainly changed, and I truly believe these experiences in life happen for a reason. In time I will become a stronger with greater understanding than I had before.
People don’t see the effort it takes to smile, hold a conversation and everything that goes on behind the facade. My head becomes overloaded, I am unable to focus, I struggle to find the right words and can forget things that happened a moment ago or some of the great memories from my past. Simple pleasures are now more difficult and not so enjoyable. I feel emotion in an extremely heightened way. I become overwhelmed easily which makes me want to avoid large groups, noisy environments and anywhere I feel a build-up of unstable or frantic energy.
Time is relative, I will recover and go through things in my own time. Each aspect of life whether it be material or philosophical I now see through different eyes. In my core I am the same, holding the same beliefs and moral compass but the world around me is more intense, more beautiful, and unique.
Issues surrounding mental health
Confidence and belief in oneself.
Mood swings and controlling emotion.
Little things become big things.
Frustration with people around me but especially myself.
Each experience we have in life changes us ever so slightly. Normally we are robust enough that we do not register the change, or it takes a long time to process through our system and realisations cascade through our body and conscious mind over months or years. A life-threatening illness takes you back to square one and overloads an already fragile mind and body all at once. This can be difficult to handle.
Mental Health & Art
There are so many benefits to allowing space for creativity. It has been proven to make a huge difference to mental health and wellbeing. Although not everyone is creative, allowing freedom of mind is incredibly important. I have painted for many years and know that approaching a blank canvas without a clear direction can be a very scary prospect. In essence this is what we are doing in life. Without goal and vision, we will never have purpose and feel a sense of achievement working towards a goal. The ironic part is that for creativity to thrive and our mind to process we must approach a blank canvas with complete freedom of mind. Without purpose and expectation, but most importantly without judgement.
Even for the most accomplished and creative artist this can be an incredible challenge. Everyone has created a toolkit of beliefs and skills they use to create their image. This can be difficult to break. That is why many artists paintings are instantly recognisable, they have used their tool kits which is comfortable and does not challenge their expectation or ego.
Allow yourself the freedom of expression and complete honesty to yourself without judgment or ego. You may find it an incredibly rewarding experience.
I have always had a love for painting, my father, a professional artist, encouraged me to draw and paint since I was a child. I love the arts and how different artists see the world. Through art, the imagination knows no bounds.
Before the pandemic, I was introduced to Hester Ligtvoet, we had briefly met a year or so earlier at the Arthur Findlay College. She is a professional pianist, healer, and energy coach. We were interested in how art and music can be combined with spiritual and energy healing. Working together on a weekly basis, Hester played the piano while I produced charcoal or pastel drawings. We worked with energy and the spirit world to create something focused, healing and unique.
We developed a healing session which brough together a music meditation along with a piece of art. An interesting concept, with weekly development we found that we were perfectly in tune with each other. My hand moving around the paper, perfectly in time with Hester’s inspired notes. We both felt we were led by the spirit world for the good of the individual or intension of our focus. We had both done a lot of development over the years but still were completely shocked how our energy came together and it felt very natural.
I had not wanted to paint or draw since I got ill, I think it was due to the abscess developing on the righthand side of my brain which fed my creativity, and I was left-handed. I hoped I just had to wait. Nearly two months after I was first admitted to hospital I went down to the studio and picked up my paint brushes. I did it with the same intent as I had with Hester, only now the focus was my own healing. Physically, the reduction of the abscess. Mentally, to retrain my focus and my memory. Energetically, to build my energy, realign my chakras and repair my energy fields.
I found it an incredibly interesting process, there was no timeframe and I allowed myself to drift. Each colour and brush stoke was making a different. I tried not to pull anything from my imagination but to go deeper than that. At times I felt like a mechanic covered in oil repairing a huge machine, other times floating and blowing clouds to create various formations and symbols. The art as it had done for many years allowed me to look deeper into the subject matter, I had been a traditional artist in many ways, landscapes, and portraits. Each painting had a purpose, to capture the view or the person in front of me. Of course, all art reflects the artist, but this time there was no subject matter in front of me, my healing was the purpose, and I was the reflection.
For people looking to art to find out more about the healing process I can wholeheartedly say that for me I believe it’s made a difference. Art has always been my creative outlet, allowing me to process my own thoughts. It feels comfortable to draw and to paint without expectation (what I mean by this is to remove all notions of this must be good or thoughts, I am rubbish, a child could do better.) For healing, it is not the final product, but the colours and brush strokes along the way. The act of painting or wherever you choose to engage with your creativity is where the biggest differences can be made. Where the greatest self-healing can take place.
Positive Energy & the Power of Thought
I have always considered myself an optimist, even if it’s just a sprinkling on top of a lifetime of societies negative conditioning. I do try to see the learning opportunity and best possible outcome in most situations.
As I have gotten older, I have learnt more about the power of thought. There is a whole science behind it, like attracts like and the power of visualisation and will. I have experience of how this has worked for me. In my book Chasing Rainbows – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle, I talk about living and working in the mountains and meeting likeminded people who have all naturally gravitated together. The same when I was backpacking around Australia, I met people who had the same enthusiasm for travel and who shared the same lust for life. Where it gets interesting is, for example, out of ten people I met, there would be six who shared multiple interests and similar mindsets. Out of those six, maybe two would share a stronger connection.
At first, I didn’t know why or how this manifested, but through years of learning about energy I could feel the levels of connection, shared vibrations in body, mind and soul. These connections are real, only through experience can we understand how we are affected by people, places and situations.
I am using this understanding to help my healing, my body although healed from a medical point of view I feel incredibly sensitive on every other level. I experience everything on a far deeper level, this manifests physically as every sensation or pain has meaning.
2021 ended on a real positive note, there were still things with family and friends to cause concern, but I had completed a few projects with very positive results.
The latest work for our charity had the potential to create something new and exciting. My book for Caroline: Chasing Rainbows – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttlewas published in May and had some great reviews. We had filmed for “The Real Death in Paradise”, a Sky documentary, which was airing in February. The Virtual Reality project was developing better than expected. It was our 20thanniversary in April, and I thought Caroline would be proud of what we have achieved.
I had finally been able to make time to paint and develop my art again. I’d completed a mentorship programme and was enjoying my healing course. These had brought a lot of different strands of my work together, my creativity through art and writing, philosophy, beliefs, and life experience.
I had survived Covid and although we had to cancel our holiday, we had managed to reschedule. It was only a few weeks away now! We were looking forward to getting away, like most people it had been a couple of years since we had left the country.
Not the start to 2022 I was expecting. I had not been feeling well or on top form for a while. I thought I was just run down, a cold, and now with the new Omicron variant, I thought that I had probably caught that. I had a headache, it got worse over a couple of days. On the 6th of January, my girlfriend came home from work to find me in bed, curled up in a ball, head under the covers groaning in pain. It was nothing like anything I had experienced before. The pain was unbearable. The paramedics arrived, I was given morphine, and was rushed by ambulance to hospital with a potential diagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis.
If my girlfriend hadn’t acted so quickly, it might have been a very different story. I am incredibly lucky to be alive. I was put in isolation on Lilac Ward in Scarborough Hospital. The next few days were a complete blur, I was hazy with intravenous morphine, steroids and other medication. I had a Lombard puncture, CT scan and an MRI. The nurses were all exceptional and looked after me with the greatest of care. One thing I will always remember from that blurry time was the compassion and kindness they all showed me.
One afternoon, I was not sure what day it was or how many days I had been in hospital. A doctor came into my room “You have bacterial meningitis and a 1.3cm abscess on the right side of your brain. We are speaking with the consultants over at Hull Hospital, and you might be taken there tomorrow for brain surgery.”
I was left in shock, still in pain and hazy I had a terrifying evening and night. Everything and nothing running through my mind. I would tell my loved ones in the morning. It was the first time I had really contemplated my own mortality. Even with everything that had happened with my sister Caroline. I knew the human body in many ways could be so fragile, there was still a part of me that was 19 and thought of myself as immortal.
I thought back over my life, we had experienced tragedy and it had not always been easy, but I have done many incredible things. I had travelled, lived and worked in many different countries. Spent summers on beaches and winters in the mountains. Followed many of my dreams and explored my passions. 44 years was over twice as much time as my sister was given in this world. If now was my time, I had experienced life, but no way was I ready to go anywhere. Even with everything I had done a felt like I hadn’t even started, I had so much more to do!
Even with a belief in the afterlife, I was terrified, I didn’t want to go yet. I knew I would see my sister again, be able to catch up with my grandparents and get a different understanding of what this world was all about. With all that said, I had become incredibly attached to my mortal body. I thought of my family, my loved ones. They couldn’t take another loss. My sister and me both in the afterlife would be too much for them to bare. There was so much left unsaid.
The following day I wasn’t taken to Hull. The neurologist thought it best to try to reduce the abscess through medication. It was a case of weighing up the risk, brain surgery could ultimately cause more damage and would only be a last resort.
I spent two weeks in hospital. The first week I drifted through various degrees of pain mainly in my head but throughout my body as it became weaker because all my energy was directed towards fighting the infection. I was in a drug induced haze and couldn’t differentiate from what was a dream and what was happening. I couldn’t take noise, light or to think about anything with an emotional connection. It seems to cause pain. I slept only to be woken every 4 hours for temperature and blood pressure checks, blood tests, medication, and doctors’ visits. Now I get flashes of that week, but nothing is clear, I have no idea what thoughts were my own or came from somewhere else. I hope with time I will be able to gain some clarity.
The second week I became more lucid, I started to be able to think again if only for short periods. My mind was different, it felt slower, clouded. I felt like I was outside myself and sat looking at nothing for long periods. Food became important, I was on steroids and just wanted to eat everything. It was only towards the end of the second week when I talked to the specialists and began to realise the severity of what I had gone though. I really was lucky to still be here, the doctors and nurses were really worried about me for the first few days, they said it was touch and go.
After speaking with the OPAT team, I had a midline fitted and was trained on how to administer my own drugs intravenously. I was discharged, it was so good to be home. Everything felt surreal, like it was a dream. I couldn’t feel anything properly, everything looked slightly different even though it was home and completely familiar. Nevertheless it was good to be home.
People were worried, I had spoken to family and my girlfriend while in hospital but only briefly. I knew they were there for me. I felt I should let my friends know what was happening. I put a post out on social media.
“Not the start to 2022 I was expecting. On the 6th of January I was rushed by ambulance to hospital with Bacterial Meningitis. I am incredibly lucky to be alive.
After a really worrying 2 weeks in hospital. The scare of brain surgery, countless tests, drugs and painkillers I am on the mend. I still have a 1.3cm abscess on my brain. Today, I’m back home. Continuing with intravenous antibiotics for the next 4 weeks with the hope that the abscess will dissipate. I am of course positive, the eternal optimist and have begun my healing journey to recovery.
I must offer my eternal thanks to Ruth who called the ambulance and saved my life. The paramedics who rushed me to hospital, all the staff on Lilac Ward at Scarborough Hospital, without everyone’s love and care I would not be here. Thank you to everyone who has sent me positive thoughts and healing. It has definitely made a difference and means a great deal. Thank you and love you all.”
21st January 2022 and I didn’t feel great, had some painkillers and my intravenous antibiotics. My girlfriend came home after work and I was not in a good place, it felt like the 6th of January all over again. The pain got progressively worse. It became unbearable and an ambulance was called. In A&E I was given drugs and left in a darken room.
I was in pain. The painkillers were helping. I was scheduled for a Lombard Puncture, a doctor came and tried but it was unsuccessful. Another doctor was called. It was painful and I was terrified that I would become paralysed. Luckily the second attempt went well. Another CT scan and I was admitted. This time on the Ann Wright ward. The team were great and looked after me. The next morning, I felt better. CT scan results were positive, looked like the abscess had slightly reduced in size. My bloods showed an over production of white blood cells, my body was fighting hard. I felt completely battered and bruised in body, mind and soul but I was trying to stay positive.
Nothing happened over the weekend. I felt relaxed again and safe to be in the hospital. On the 24th of January I had my second MRI, the consultants were confident that we are heading the right direction. My bloods were showing that the infection was reducing, my body and vitals were strong.
26th January at two in the morning, the results came back from my last Covid test, I was positive. I was immediately moved down to Beech ward. I was now used to waking up and not feeling great but now I had Covid symptoms on top of it all.
I was not sleeping well and still getting woken for medication and observations periodically thought-out the day and night. Bloods taken daily and Covid tests I was sick of getting prodded and poked. I had been laid in bed now for a few weeks and could feel my body losing muscle. It was strange, I was getting stronger and healing but simultaneously my body was wasting away through not getting any regular exercise and fresh air.
With so many days in hospital I had plenty of time to think, my mind was clearing. I knew how incredibly lucky I was to still be here. I was re-evaluating everything, what I was doing, how I spent my time and what I still wanted to do in my life. With so much time to sit I considered my thoughts and what I spent my time thinking about. Was it all worth it? Is what I was I was thinking about worthy of my time? Was what I wanted to do in life really what I wanted to do?
30th January 2022
“Discharged. After 20 days in hospital, I am finally recovering at home. I feel incredibly lucky to still be here, as it was touch and go for a time. I would like to offer my eternal gratitude to the doctors and NHS staff who all looked after me to well.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has send me healing and wished me a speedy recovery. It is incredibly humbling to know how much I am loved and cared for. I certainly have a new perspective on life and what’s important.
I now continue my healing journey from home. The bacterial meningitis is responding well to intravenous antibiotics, the mass on my brain is showing signs of reduction and the symptoms of covid are minimal. I can feel myself getting a little stronger each day. Thank you all for your love, healing and support, it has given me hope each day and means the world. I truly believe that I would not be here otherwise, please accept my unconditional love now and always.”
The healing process starts at home. I was administering my own intravenous antibiotics and anti-seizure medication. For the first week back in my own bed, I just slept. I started to wake up and not feel completely drained and aching. My mind was still not fully clear. I had headaches, issues focusing, reading and trouble with memory and finding words. These would all come back with retraining and time.
The natural world played a large role in my life growing up. Like many people of my generation Sir David Attenborough was one of my heroes. He always spoke with such passion and sensitivity about the natural world and the animal kingdom. I was glued to the TV whenever any of his programmes were on. He taught me that life for everyone on this planet was a battle, survival of the fittest. Every living thing completes a life cycle; birth, growth, reproduction, death and feeds back into the food chain. It’s a balancing act that’s taken hundreds of thousands of years to perfect. Our world is dependent on every living thing to thrive, no matter how large or small. I understood that life on this planet is hard, so why should it be any different for us? We just have different struggles, thankfully most are not life-threatening but that doesn’t necessarily make them any easier.
As humans, we are blessed with consciousness. There is something very powerful within us and our conscious mind; belief and our understanding of death sets us apart from all other species. Some people are willing to sacrifice everything for what they believe. It can even override our instinct for survival and self-preservation.
After Caroline was gone, I didn’t know what to believe. Was she now an angel? How could my life live up to what hers could have been?
I wondered if her soul was still around in some form or another. When I was around eight years old, another of my heroes was my Grandad. We had so many amazing times which I will always remember fondly. After he died, I was upset, but eventually asked the question.
“Mum, Dad, what happens when we die?”
I can’t remember word for word. We talked about life. Dad told me that minutes after I was born, he held me in his arms, to him I was an amazing new life. He thought, who is this little person? We all talked about growing up, becoming a teenager, an adult, eventually a parent and grandparent just like Grandma and Grandad. They explained when you die you go to another place, but you are still around looking over your family and friends. The conversation must have planted a seed in my mind.
Since Caroline’s death our family have talked a lot about life after death. I have had many experiences that I feel are far more than just coincidence. Dad told me a story from when Caroline was little.
‘Dad,’ she said.
‘Yes Caroline?’ he replied.
‘When I go to bed a man comes to visit me at night,’ she said, very relaxed.
‘OK, what does he want?’ Dad replied, surprised but calm. He knew the house was secure and no one could have gotten in. She could have been dreaming.
‘He just wants to chat, but the thing is Dad, I can see straight through him.’ ‘Right. No problem, next time he comes to see you tell him to come and see me,’ said Dad.
The next morning, ‘Dad, the man came again last night, and I told him to go and see you.’
‘OK, then what happened?’ Dad asked.
‘He came back and said you were asleep,’ Caroline replied.
‘Next time he comes to see you, ask him to go away so you can get some sleep,’ Dad said.
‘OK,’ Caroline said.
After that, she never mentioned the man again and slept well.
I became interested in life after death, what had happened to my sister? Where was she now? I believed that there was more than just our physical world, but didn’t know what. Over the years I have been able to study at The Arthur Findlay College. The college was left by Arthur Findlay following his death to further advance Spiritualism and the psychic sciences. It delves into the subject of life after death and the continuation of the human spirit.
I have always kept an open mind and over my life tried to listen very much to my intuition, the little voice inside me that knows what’s best for my well-being. I always tried to listen carefully and develop my sensitivity to the world around me.
My thoughts would go back to hearing the organ playing in the weeks after Caroline’s death and the significance we had placed in rainbows. I have been lucky enough to be around many world-class mediums and the information they have given has been incredibly accurate. It always made me wonder where the information came from?
Our belief in another existence has given us as a family a common bond to hold close. We like to think Caroline and our other loved ones are looking down on us, watching and guiding us in this world.
I believe as humans we are blessed with a soul. Our lifeforce is so strong, complex and well developed that I find it hard to believe that it only popped into existence when we were born and on death it just ends. It’s the essence of what makes us individual. I know there is something which allows us to connect with people on multiple levels, this is evident with all the people I have met throughout the years. We are able to connect through mind, body and soul.
I found comfort in the thought that Caroline is continuing her work in the next world and her energy still exists in some shape or form.
The way I understand our different worlds is through levels of vibration. Everything is vibrating at a different frequency from trees in the forest to the table we place our coffee cup on. I imagine an infinite number of guitar strings all tuned to a different note; to listen it’s a case of simply plucking the string and attuning to harmonise with that vibration. After death, our energy or soul departs our physical body returning to another frequency.
I believe Caroline’s soul has returned to become part of the vibrational energy of the universe (as we all are). I can attune into her frequency, feel her energy and know that she is still around.
Attending courses at the Arthur Findlay College, I have learnt about energy, healing, spirit art and mediumship. It opened up a whole new level of potential, looking deeper into ourselves as well as beyond our physical and materialistic worlds.
When I was working in the Alps, I had time and the opportunity to paint as well as complete various spiritual courses. Painting put me in an altered state and allowed me to look further into myself and areas of life that interested me. Expanding my mind was important, it’s a way I could explore and feel out of control that didn’t rely on anyone else.
One occasion shortly after Caroline’s death, I found myself in a situation with a group of people I had not met before and they didn’t know our story. They asked if I had any siblings, and for ease, I said ‘No’. Immediately I felt a pain inside and pull on my heart, it was as if she was shouting, I’m still here! I had just denied Caroline’s entire existence. I still think back now and cringe, I felt absolutely terrible. I have never done it again. I tried to understand why I said that; a part of me wanted to save them experiencing the pain of our story, another part didn’t want them to feel sorry for me. I have never wanted sympathy but that was no excuse in denying my sister’s life.
Seeing Caroline in the chapel of rest made me aware that it was Caroline’s essence or soul which made her who she was. That was the spark of life and it was no longer in her body.
I feel it’s important for us to consider our own evolution in order to understand our own spark of life. Appreciating the simple pleasures. Watching a beautiful sunset, taking an evening stroll along the beach or catching up with friends for dinner. These experiences can evoke feelings and emotions within us, I have always been curious why people like certain things more than others, why people fall in love.
A quote by one of Spiritualism’s great pioneers, Gordon Higginson, resonated strongly, ‘Before you can touch the Spirit, you must find it within yourself. For all truth, for all knowledge and all love, must be found first within oneself.’
Through better understanding our feelings and emotions we can enhance our awareness. We can experience more from the sunset or the stroll on the beach, we are able to forge deeper connections with the people around us.
I can liken this development to painting, for portraits and life drawing there are techniques to learn, ways to look at a subject that make the work more accurate and captures the feeling and essence of the person. Firstly, it’s about the physical form, facial features, tone and shadow. Next is to look under the skin, understanding bone structure, weight distribution and muscle definition. Once an artist has gained this knowledge, they can produce an accurate resemblance of the sitter, but there is more to it. An artist then needs to look not with their eyes but with their feelings and emotions, they need to capture the essence of the person. This is far more difficult and not a skill to master; it’s a knowing that needs to be understood in every brushstroke. Some painters just have the touch, they have that ability to capture the sitter’s true self on canvas. Looking at the works of the greatest portrait painters, they have captured far more than just the resemblance. Their paintings can evoke the same feelings as if you were actually interacting with the person they painted.
I have been asked many times, do I consider myself a religious man? My belief played a role in dealing with what we had been through. I have been interested different aspects of Spiritualism and other religions for many years and feel that the belief in more than just myself has given me a greater sense of peace. Socrates heard a voice in his head, a divine or guiding spirit who advised him throughout his life. Had he achieved some deeper understanding of life, or had he tapped into his intuition? Was it another part of himself in the spirit world communicating with him or was it God? We will never know the answer, but I believe that you have to be true to yourself, listen to the voice inside yourself which understands your divine path.
I am sure my ideas and beliefs will continue to change over time as they have done up until this point. I think that any person who holds the same philosophy all their lives is either a born genius or unable to consider new ideas and evolve. It’s incredibly important to try to incorporate what we learn into our daily lives, be willing to change our way of thinking as we meet different people and have new experiences.
Life is a pendulum, as much as it swings in one direction it swings just as far in the other. I now try not to view what happens as good and bad or black and white, everything is just part of life’s experience. I feel safer in the knowledge that nothing will ever be as bad as the devastation we have already been through. If it turns out I am wrong and something far worse happens, I feel safe in the knowledge that I have already gotten through experiences in life that I never thought I would be able to.
Sadly, we will never know what Caroline’s life could have been in this world. I believe we have our own lives to live, we both have a great deal to do and will be working together for many years to come, just from different worlds.
Written by Richard Stuttle
Chapter taken from his book “Chasing Rainbows – The Stolen Future of Caroline Ann Stuttle”. Published by Pegasus Publishing in May 2021
Marlow’s Hierarchy of Needs was created by Abraham Maslow in 1954, even with an acceleration of awareness, advancement in psychology and increased technology. These are still at the very core of our needs as humans. After looking at each level of elevation I feel they fit with our body’s chakras and energy centres.
Understanding these will help us to navigate life’s challenges, manage how we react to situations of wellbeing and adversity.
Physiological – We have basic human needs. As our evolution has proved, we don’t generally live in harmony with the other living organisms on the planet. We do not fill our basic needs for survival without creating secure spaces to live. Having a regular supply of food and drink. We need to feel like we are safe and have a secure flow of food and water available.
Safety – Due to consciousness we need more than just no risk of danger to feel safe. Safety also covers security; we need to feel safe not just from the elements and other animal species on the planet. We also need to feel safe from our own species. Our safety extends beyond just our own personal safety but to that of the people close to us and our belongings.
Social – We need to feel accepted, again due to our level of self-awareness and understanding we have a need for friendship. This is partly due to our conscious mind not really understanding why we are here. Communication is a basic human need. Friendship and acceptance offer security in knowing we are not alone in our journey and reassurance confidence that communication leads to development of self.
Ego – As we develop skills and our knowledge base grows, we need to establish our place within our hierarchy of structure at home and within society. This is where the ego comes in, we value our worth of learning and time we have spent on certain aspects of development. Everyone sometimes needs a pat on the back to say they have done well.
Self-actualisation – Feeling a level of security within the lower aspects of the pyramid allows us the security, confidence, and focus. We then have an opportunity to look at how we can grow, improve, and evolve. Only when the other needs are considered and mostly taken care of do with have the freedom of thinking without distraction to focus on personal growth and self-realisation.
Many philosophies symbolically have ladders to climb or ways to find enlightenment through elevation. The 7 chakras are offer a good understanding of our body’s reaction to situations, our decision-making centres and how we can function in this world. The number seven features strongly in many aspects of life and development. Our chakras relate to each part of the pyramid. When we reach the top of the pyramid, we can look objectively at our life, reactions, and decision-making centres.
Our lower chakras function on the animal aspects of self (the lover this sections of the pyramid) when it comes to the heart chakra, we are looking at self-esteem as well as friendship groups. The throat chakra is communication where we can discuss with others and find our place in the world. Communication is also very linked with our development enabling the teach learn, learn teach philosophy.
This is when we can access our higher chakras. Start to ask the bigger questions, accessing other parts of ourselves (higher self, spirit, source connection or soul). Its where real learning and understanding comes from. At this point the chakras then are accessed in reverse. Taking the newly learnt higher knowledge and relating the information on more of a physical and grounded level. Once this is understood when we have elevated our whole understanding to a higher level.
Anatomy – Structure of the body or biological organism. This includes plants and animals. Multiple parts which usually work together to produce a particular function.
Physiology – Functions and processes in relation to the structure (anatomy) in this case the human body or living organism.
Another area to mention here is Pathology, which is the study of the nature of disease and its consequences.
Chemical – Atoms and molecules which are the basic building blocks of matter. Some atoms such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, nitrogen, and sulphur which are all essential to life. Some more commonly known are DNA which contains our genetic makeup and individuality. Another important element is glucose which circulates in the blood for energy.
Cellular – At this level molecules combine to form cells which are the simplest structural functional unit in the body. There are many kinds of cells in the body which make up the different systems of the body.
Tissue – These are a specialised group of cells which work together to perform specific functions. There are four basic types of tissue in the body, each has many divisions.
Muscle tissue
Connective tissue
Epithelial tissue
Nervous tissue
Organ – These are specific structures which are recognisable and made up of two or more types of tissue and perform specific functions.
Systems – Organ systems play a specific role within the body, there are 11 systems throughout the body which have specific functions. Systems can be made up of multiple organs which have a common function.
11 systems in the human body
Integumentary System (Skin, Hair, Nails)
This system looks after our immunity and helps to protect the body from external invasion. It helps regulate temperature and eliminates some waste through sweat and oil secretions. Importantly it also makes vitamin D and detects sensations like touch, pain, heat and cold.
2. Skeletal System (Bones, Joints)
The function of the skeletal system is primarily to support and protect. It provides a solid surface area to attach muscle and aids body movement. It also produces blood cells and store minerals and fats.
3. Muscular System (Cardiac, Smooth, and Skeletal Muscles)
Smooth muscle (involuntary), skeletal muscle (voluntary), and cardiac muscle (involuntary and autorhythmic) and associated cartilage and tendons (connective tissue). This system produces body movement and stabilises body position, it can store and move substances within the body, generate heat and pump blood around the body.
4. Lymphatic System (Red Bone Marrow, Thymus, Lymphatic Vessels, Thoracic Duct, Spleen, Lymph Nodes)
This system maintains fluid balance in the tissues and transports dietary fats. It is also part of the immune system which responds to infection.
Internal and external breathing, supplying oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide. Regulates acid-based balances and is responsible for the production of sound.
6. Digestive System (Oral Cavity, Oesophagus, Liver, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Anus)
Major parts of the gastrointestinal tract; mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, and anus. Responsible for the breakdown of food and the elimination of solid waste.
7. Nervous System– (Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves)
Generates nerve impulses (action potential) to regulate all body activities. The three major parts are the;
· ANS – Autonomic nervous system
· PNS – Peripheral nervous system
· CNS – Central nervous system
Part of the homeostatic control of the internal and external environment.
Main job is to regulate the body activities through hormone production. It’s also part of the homeostatic control. There is a correlation to the 7 main chakras.
9. Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System (Heart, Blood Vessels)
Responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all cells around the body. The removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products from all cells. Control of temperature and fluid balance.
10. Urinary System (Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Urethra)
Produces, stores and eliminates waste product urine. Regulates the volume and chemical composition of the blood, regulation of acid-based balance and mineral balance. Also, the production and regulation of red blood cells.
11. Reproductive Systems
Regulation of reproduction and other carnal body activities through hormone production.
Our system connected to our chakras
Endocrine System – Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Thymus, Adrenal Gland, Pancreas, Ovary or Testis.
Chakras – Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown There is a direct correlation between the endocrine system and the chakras not only in placement in the body but also in function.
1. Chakra – Root V Testis and Ovary The first Chakra, the root is a where we ground ourselves to physical life. We find stability and security in our world. The body areas are that of reproduction and physical pleasure which go to ground us in the physical world. The areas and linked with protectivity surrounding family and friendships.
2. Chakra – Sacral V Reproductive Organs The sacral is the second chakra, located below the navel and represents sexual energies. This is a similar area to the reproductive organs. This area is also where energy builds up from relationships, repressed feelings and emotions around creativity and passion.
3. Chakra – Solar Plexus V Pancreas The 3rd chakra is the solar plexus and represents will power, personal responsibility and self-esteem. The pancreas is responsible for secreting substances for digestion which can be translated into understanding and processing. It also regulates insulin around the body. It’s an energy centre where power in generated and processed.
4. Chakra – Heart V Heart The 4th chakra is the heart and it self-explanatory, the heart chakra is a vital part of the body’s immune system and relates to the healing properties of the heart. The heart is associated with the circulatory system and the Thymus Gland. It’s the centre of love, group consciousness and spirituality.
5. Chakra – Throat V Thyroid Gland The throat is the 5th chakra and associated with the respiratory system and thyroid gland. It’s the centre for sound and communication. The chakra relates to self-expression and speaking. Talking openly and creativity.
6. Chakra – Third Eye V Pituitary Gland The third eye is the 6th chakra and relates to second sight, psychic and mediumistic abilities. Higher intuition and clairvoyance. This chakra speaks of second sight and seeing the world from a different perspective. The pituitary gland is said to be a gateway for dreams and is directly linked to the brain and the body’s nervous system.
7. Chakra – Crown V Pineal Gland The crown chakra is the 7th chakra and governs the top of the spinal cord, brain stem and central nervous system. The pineal gland, cerebrum and is a gateway to spiritual wisdom. It is thought of as the connection to the spirit world and your higher self.
The chakras are now pretty much redundant in the new body system but they are a good guideline for interpretation and understanding placement of feeling.
There are many aspects to the meaning of “health”. When we talk of someone’s health, we automatically assume physical health, this is not wrong. The closer we look we start to see that there are many aspects of health that are all intertwined. In many cases illness or an unhealthy lifestyle can manifest physically.
Aspects of health to consider are…
Physical injury – very often a broken bone can be seen, a pulled muscle or torn ligament will result in a limp or the is person unable to move freely.
Illness – this covers a wide range of possible illnesses and cannot always be seen physically. Symptoms are normally described by the individual and can be subjective.
Disease – symptoms manifest physically, some part or organ of the body is not working correctly. This can include infections, genetic defects, and environmental problems. Symptoms can also have an effect mentally reducing the individual to limited ability and movement.
Mental health – not always seen but can result in very serious conditions for the sufferer. These can sometimes be from an imbalance of chemicals in the body. Symptoms can manifest in the form of self-inflected alcohol or drug abuse. Eating disorders or self-harm.
Spiritual health – people are not always aware of their spiritual health and when they are suffering. People can take advantage or add pressure to someone’s spiritual wellbeing. These can be seen in the energy and auras of the individuals and cause symptoms that manifest physically and emotionally in people.
Emotional health – this can take the form of abuse and reduce the persons physical and mental health. Abuse can result in complete loss of confidence and self-belief which can be incredibly damaging to the sufferer.
Environmental health – as we have seen recently with Covid-19 which was classed as a pandemic. A disease which affects people across multiple continents. An endemic is a disease which is always present in the population or epidemic which is a disease which spreads rapidly and unexpectedly through a population.
The world organisations definition of health is: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Traditional Medicine and Energetic Healing
Traditional medicine generally treats disease or injury in isolation, if someone is unlucky enough to break their leg doctors will x-ray, assess, and treat in the best way possible drawing on their knowledge of proven methods. This is likely to be through surgery and pinning or a cast and setting the leg in position so the body can naturally heal. Once the bone is fused back together physiotherapy will rebuild strength and mobility within the leg.
Other aspects that may require attention with a broken leg can include, trauma and compensation by the rest of the body. Confidence, mental health, and energetic wellbeing. This I feel is where holistic therapy and healing can make a significant difference.
Spiritual or energetic healing treats all aspects of the human conditional, body, mind and soul. It is a channel or flow of energy through the healer to the client. The best course of treatment after treating the leg itself will be different for every patient or client. Some may experience real energetic unbalance, for others it might be mental health.
If a client is receiving healing and the healer will have explained that the healing will go to where it is needed the most, the patient will be open to the consideration that there may be more trauma that requires healing other than just the broken leg. This can offer a different mindset or open their thought process to the rest of their body removing focus solely from the leg.
Spiritual or Energy Healing also offers an empowerment to the patient. The practical aspects of the healing process, talking to the patient, support from someone outside the medical profession. This can be very welcoming for anyone undergoing medical treatment.
I truly believe that a combination of complimentary and alternative medicine can offer the best results to anyone who is ill or finds themselves needing treatment.
When I first got admitted to hospital (Bacterial Meningitis and 1.3cm brain abscess) the pain was so intense all I could feel was the trauma within my body. It took over and I was 100% human, descendant of mother earth. The painkillers, antibiotics and high dosage drugs took the pain away, my body started to slowly repair itself. I felt completely disconnected from who I was before, it felt like I had separated my mind from my body and soul.
After a few weeks in hospital the doctors felt my body was healing and I could continue my recovery from home. Walking through my front door, I felt like everything was slightly different, I was no longer connected to my processions or my home itself. I felt like I was an observer in a place I knew well but did not recognise. I was home but a part of me was experiencing my old life as an observer.
Over the following weeks, administering intravenous antibiotics from home I began to rebuild my strength. My body was healing, I could feel a reconnection to loved ones and the world around me. I started to feel myself again. I understood my mind had become so focused on the life of my body it had blocked out the parts that weren’t essential for my survival.
One step at a time
It took time for me to build up my strength again, going from walking slowly around the block to longer walks down to the beach. I felt that I had lost a little of who I was, a had the realisation, “My body is ill not my soul.” I had somehow forgotten who I was, there was a part of me that was gone and maybe it was meant to be. Afterall, I am incredibly lucky to still be here! Life is about evolution, letting go of things that don’t serve you and moving forward. I walked on the beach and paddled in the cold English waters. My body felt the pain in my feet and not my soul.
Physically I was recovering well, but mentally and emotionally it was different. I could feel my thoughts physically, it was difficult to understand. I sensed emotion in different areas of the body. In my head the greatest sensitivity, every emotional surge had a physical reaction. It’s not pain but a build-up of pressure, like the contraction of blood vessels before a release. There’s a wave of energy running over my body which offered an energetic knowledge that felt to me closer to the knowing of truth. I could feel the same within the people around me. The distinction between feelings and emotions, feelings were in the moment and offered an insight into myself and the world around me. Emotions were the build-up of feelings over time both positive and negative. I needed to process my emotions; it was hard to understand but I knew my level of sensitivity had dramatically increased.
One step forward
Finally, I was clear off all medication. I started to do more. It didn’t take long before I felt myself going backwards. I had anxiety, no confidence, and a constant awareness that I wasn’t as quick minded as I used to be. I had always thought of myself as mentally strong and had overcome a great deal of adversity over the years. I withdrew and started to cut people out of my life. I didn’t want the responsibility or to feel their emotions, I could feel the trauma they were going through in their lives. It was becoming too much for me.
I simplified my life as completely as I could. Finally, after forty-five years I gave my body the respect it deserves. Meditation and stretching daily, eating healthy and spending quiet time with my own thoughts. I had to accept the person I was now, in one way new and improved. Another unbelievable experience that I had made it through. The other side was letting go of the past, the person I used to be. Over time I was happy to do just that, but the biggest thing was time. The doctor initially said six to twelve months, I thought I’ll be fine in six! I didn’t even consider my mental recovery, the PTSD and paranoia of every little ache and pain. These conditions are real and incredibly serious, belief and mindset I feel has a lot of do with recovery. I found myself thinking about what I believed in life. Why we are here? What is our purpose? What are my talents? What is important to me? What have I achieved and what did I never get to achieve? Considering these questions in a quiet space really helped to build myself back up and create a strong foundation for mental recovery.
What is working for me
We are never the same person from moment to moment, it can be incredibly difficult to define who we are and what we want out of life. Most of us are too giving and this can sometimes be at a detriment to our own wellbeing. Its only after you become close to death do you really consider life. I took everything for granted which I think is completely natural. Been forced to slow down allowed time to think and process.
A few things that I feel really helped
Daily Action
Do something creative – give yourself permission to do creative things and see what you can come up with.
Enjoy nature – whether walking on the beach, tracks though woodlands or just down to your local park. Enjoy fresh air and the great outdoors.
Thoughts and contemplation
Taking time in the silence – processing your own thoughts and feelings, allowing them to pass though freely.
Acceptance of who you are now – I think we all have an idea of ourselves from who we were many years ago.
Appreciation of self – we are so lucky to be part of this world, know and appreciate the aspects of yourself.
All artists paint in an altered state. As soon as they pick up a brush, they move into a different space where freedom and inspiration are intertwined. 2020 has certainly been a year that no one expected, which threw up many challenges. For many, harnessing their creativity during lockdown was a way to mentally escape from the restrictions which were placed upon us.
For me, painting has always been an outlet where I could process information, explore new directions and feel a connection not only with myself and loved ones, but also people in the spirit world. I found myself feeling things that were not always from myself.
My curiosity led me to explore further, around 20 years ago I came across Spiritualism and started to learn about the spirit world. This explained made sense of the sensations I would feel when painting.
Taking up a Challenge
I came across a competition ran by The College of Psychic Studies and thought it a wonderful opportunity to join with other artists who are consciously aware of their connected relationship with art and spirit.
A blank canvas can be somewhat daunting for many artists, but I have always seen the limitless potential of what could happen. Many pictures are already painted in the mind before the artist puts brush to canvas. The daunting part for me was always: do I have the necessary skills to do the work justice?
With a wide brief of Inspiration from Isolation I had no idea what I was going to paint, the image formed over a few days and I soon covered the canvas with a largescale landscape, many points of reference appeared in the work relating to spiritualism and the spirit world. It was something I hadn’t tried in this way before and I found it an interesting experience. I also considered the other artists who were also in their studios working on pictures inspired by the spirit world and following the brief. There was an interesting connection between us all whether we were aware of it or not.
I was very lucky to be a finalist in the competition and had the opportunity to see the incredible work done by other artists. I feel this way of working through art is a beautiful way to connect the spirit world and our world. They say a picture paints a thousand words, but it can also contain a thousand emotions and connections to bring us all closer together.
Spirit Art
When talking about spirit and art, it’s important to mention spirit art in a more traditional sense, drawing accurate and recognisable portraits of loved ones in the spirit world. Firstly, incredibly important to be able to draw, portraits are incredibly difficult, a couple of millimetres can change a face completely. Combining the skills of portrait painting with high level mediumship is a rare combination. We can look at some of the great spirit artists like Frank Leah and Coral Polge. If done to this standard, what incredible proof of the existence of life after mortal death. To be able to offer an evidential communication from a spirit communicator to a recipient, combined with an accurate portrait of the spirit communicator is incredible.
How people choose to develop their art with the spirit world is up to them and for me should always be a combination of inspiration from spirit and hard work. The better tools and skills we have as artists and mediums, the more spirit can use to share love, healing, knowledge and evidential communication.
In a Spiritualist Divine Service there are generally three prayers spoken.
An Opening Prayer to set the tone and energy for the service. A Healing Prayer, to offer healing to loved ones and people in need. Each service is brought to a close with a Closing Prayer. This is to offer thanks for the service, and thanks to the congregation and the spirit world for their participation.
Opening Prayer
Please take a moment to find your quiet space and offer thanks as we open in prayer.
“Father God, divine spirit.
We gracefully accept your healing power and take a moment for our loved ones whose stresses of mind and body may be eased through your divine energy.
Help us to adopt a more positive and helpful way of thought, bring us into closer harmony with those around us and our life’s purpose.
Let us offer thanks for this moment and the opportunity to work with the spirit world. May we experience the upliftment of spirit as we connect two worlds with love and harmony, to bring comfort and healing to everyone in need.
May the good lord bless us all.
Healing Prayer
Please take a moment to offer thanks for the healing prayer.
“God, Heavenly Father
May we be thankful for our blessings, grant our loved one’s relief from pain and protect them from sickness in the days and years ahead. We ask for your healing energies to offer guidance and inspiration to people in need. Your healing thoughts for anyone affected by manmade or natural disasters.
May our love for the earth sustain us. Our trust and belief assist in opening a channel for healing, both here and in the spirit world. Allow us to be conscious of our strengths in all times of need and offer a shining light to others when they need it the most.
Love is eternal, please allow our positive intensions and influences to inspire our community. To help us unite the world the name of healing and peace from this moment forward.
We leave them in your loving care.
Closing Prayer
“God, Heavenly Father.
We thank you for this wonderful service.
We have felt your love and offer our eternal thanks for helping us to follow our true pathway.
To the spirit world who always supports us, we offer our love in return. May your passion and wisdom continue to guide us.
We offer healing to others as you heal us. We ask for your protection and we will protect others. Following this service, guide us so that we can all go forward with confidence and take one step closer to our divine purpose.
Loving spirit, we bless you as you bless us.
Prayers have far greater meaning than just the words spoken, they help to unite the congregation and bring people together. For more information about prayer please take a look at – What is the purpose of Prayer?
Prayers written and recorded by Richard Stuttle
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